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Coming down is all I ever do. I am always the last one to know what's going on. At the last minute, too. I used to not mind, until I did. I am not talking about doing something with Mila and not telling the others. I am talking about telling your secrets to everyone except one person.
I don't want any settled scores. There are no sides to pick, there were never one. I only wish she would trust me more.

I must be overreacting. Quinn is as clueless as I am and I have a feeling, Mila is, too. Elsie doesn't trust me nearly as much as she trusts them. It might not seem that way but it is the way I see it. Don't get me wrong, I love her. She's my best friend. But, how well do I really know her? I know nothing except what she told me. I never asked more because if she didn't tell me, it's because she doesn't want me to know. Why? Why not me?

Elsie has been there for me like no one else ever has. It feels wrong to perceive my feelings like this but, it is the way I feel. Unlike her, I live in peace with my emotions. I can't say that I burned his house down last night. What I mean is that I don't hide from them. If I want to cry, I'll cry. If I want to scream, I'll scream. I don't pretend to be someone else, I am me.

I have never, ever seen El cry. I have only seen her smoke, get high, and get drunk. This is the way she drowns her emotions when music isn't enough. She hides from what's going on in her head but it won't go away. She's bottling up everything and I am not sure I want to be there when her heart shatters.

''Elsie?'' Quinn asks, letting go of my hand. I watch her walk to our friend and I glance at Mila. She innocently shrugs and I know she knows something I don't. Elsie and Mila were always closer. They need each other. That is why I wonder, would they ever need us? If Quinn and I were to be dead, would they mourn us? Of course. I am not stupid. They are my best friends. I just wish they could show us how much they love us instead of shutting us out. It was our last Fire's night, as far as I am concerned. We did what we had to do. It's time Elsie lets go of this stupid act she has put on and tells us what's really going on.

''Yeah?'' Elsie's voice is so small, it's like she screamed a whole night, and her voice is gone. Which, is not the case.

''Why were you outside? In a towel?'' Mila stares down at her and I see the way she swallows. Elsie can hide as many secrets as she wants. However, when it involves us, she is bad at keeping it from us. I can see it in her eyes. Something has happened and she is wondering if she should tell us.

''Um, I just... I was meeting someone'' I raise one of my eyebrows, studying her. I have to admit, her cheeks are flushed, her lips are glossy and her hair is behind her ears. She's not lying, not this time. Let's see how long she'll keep this up.

''Oh, was it Will?'' I say the first name that comes to mind and when I see the way her mouth drops, I know it is. So, she's seeing a Will. Will who?

''Don't tell me that-'' Mila struggles with the words escaping her mouth. I twist my head to her, trying to catch up. Did I miss something?

''Will? Will who?'' Quinn stares at me and the events of last night play in my head again.

Oh my god.

''Don't tell me that was him outside'' I guess that's what Mila wanted to say. Elsie's eyes are watering and as a single tear drops, she wipes it away.

''I-'' she stares at me and she can't finish her sentence. What the fuck has she gotten herself into? How long has this been going on?

''Will Grayson III'' Quinn chokes on her water and she tries her best to not spit it everywhere. Mila scoffs and she turns around. This isn't a bad thing. Unless...

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