Chapter 1

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A/N: hellooooo! So this is my first Marauder era book. Just in case I'm from America so the choice of wording will not be spot on I'm sorry LMAO it won't be necessarily canon 100% but it will be for the most part. But what I will guarantee (because it does stress me out) is a happy ending. The first few chapters will be a chapter for each year in the beginning to show key events before the full length storyline. Hope you enjoy! Xoxo

Samantha Snape

9 years old

"And stay out there until I come and get you!" Father yelled as I stomped out the front door.

I crossed my arms in frustration, flinching at the hot summer sun burning my skin. Father is upset at me again but I truly couldn't help it. In a moment of fear I set the oven on fire. Surely mom put it out immediately but it didn't calm dad down any less. Any use of magic and he goes completely mad.

"What did you do now? Make it rain indoors?"

I rolled my eyes at the bored tone of my twin brother Severus. I turned to face him, seeing he was sitting on the grass playing with a few lilies.

"No..." I groaned and he only raised a knowing eyebrow at me.

"What?- I didn't! I only set the oven on fire," I spat and the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. "Which wouldn't have happened if he didn't frighten me."

"You need to stop being so scared of him," Severus sighed as one of the lilies twirled in the air.

"He's harder on me than he is with you Severus. It's not that easy," I mumbled, dropping to sit in front of him.

"You also... need to learn to control your magic more," He replied, making the lily fly over to me. "Which ties into your emotions. Control your emotions... then you'll control your magical outburst."

I raised my palm and the lily hovered above it twirling slightly. I smiled at it softly and closed my eyes. With enough focus, not even a second later I can hear Severus' breath hitch. I opened my eyes to see hundreds of lilies float around us and I smiled in content.

Severus got onto his knees and looked around us shocked. Which for me was very boastful. It's hard to shock Severus and this completely did.

"I have been learning. I can't help I get mad easily," I smirked, letting the lilies fall back onto the ground.

Before he could reply an argument broke out over the hill.

"You're a FREAK!" A girl had yelled and Severus and I exchanged glances.

I quickly got to my feet and Severus said, "Mind your business Sam-"

"Nope. Let's go," I demanded and he let out an annoyed sigh.

He slowly got to his feet and walked towards me as if there was no rush and I glared at him impatiently. He gave me a teasing smile and I rolled my eyes before heading up the hill again.

Once we reached the top we saw a girl about our age frowning as another girl stomped away from her.

"Freak! I'm telling mommy!" The girl yelled and muttered something about a 'witch'.

Severus watched the scene carefully and we exchanged knowing looks. The girl made a flower disappear in her hand and she twirled where she stood, kicking a rock into the lake right beside her.

"Oh wait, she really is a witch," I said, raising my eyebrows. "Do you want to go-"

I stopped talking, realizing Severus was already halfway down the hill, walking towards the girl.

"Thanks for the warning," I grumbled as I quickly followed him.

The girl turned around and she froze at the sight of us. Now, Severus and I come from a rather poor family. We weren't polished like most nor updated on the latest fashion trends. And of course people knew how cruel our father was. People tended to stay away from us and it wasn't a secret that we were the laughing stock of the town.

Severus made the same flower the girl disappeared bloom in his hand. Her eyes widened in fascination and looked at Severus with excitement. He raised his palm and made the flower float towards her the way he did to me not too many minutes ago. She raised her hands to meet the flower and smiled down at it as it softly landed in her hands.

I stood next to Severus and watched as the girl's eyes filled with tears. She let out a chuckle of amusement and looked at us. Severus gave her a small smile and I almost snorted at the attempt.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Samantha Snape," I smiled.

"I'm Lily. Lily Evans," she replied, smiling with her teeth.

We both looked at Severus but all he did was stare at her. Now I let out a snort which seemed to break him from his frozen state.

"Severus.... Snape," he mumbled embarrassed and she smiled at him.

She raised her hand with the flower and made it fly back to him. He caught it in his hand as a wide genuine grin appeared on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

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