Chapter 48

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"You're avoiding the topic-"

"I am not," I groaned cutting off James.

"Sassy you both need to talk-"

"There's nothing to talk about-"

"You had a fucking panic attack in the shrieking shack! You and Sirius keep walking on eggshells around each other and it's causing a distance. If you keep on like this you will lose each other-"

"That's not going to happen-"

"Samantha!" James yelled.

My mouth shut close almost immediately and I looked up at him. We were alone in his dorm while the others were pranking ravenclaws. We sat this one out since we got in trouble a few days prior and were laying low. Sirius and I have been... fine but ... awkward. We keep avoiding the obvious elephant in the room.

"You need to talk to him."

"It's going to be fine James. We're going to Narcissa and Lucius' wedding and everything is going to be fine," I mumbled.

"Fucking hell Sas-"

"James what do you want me to say?!"

"Something honest for once!"

"Something honest?! Well how about the fact that I'm fucking petrified?! I have no idea what I'm doing and I am way in over my head! I'm starting to second guess if it's even worth-" I snapped my mouth shut as it began to crack.

"Do you regret it?" James asked softly.

"I love him."

"For the millionth time... That's not what I asked Samantha," James said sternly.

"No.. I will go through hell for him James. I really would."

"You'll resent him for it."

"No I won't."

"You'll resent yourself then," James said as a matter of factly.

I broke eye contact with him and I can hear him sigh.

"I don't know."

"Sassy I-" but he froze as a strong whiff of Sirius' scent hit us.

Right outside the door.

"Fuck-" I groaned getting to my feet.

I opened the door and saw Sirius zooming down the hallway.

"Sirius! Stop!" I called after him.

The plea landed on deaf ears as he completely ignored me. He continued to stomp out of the common room and I followed him out of it. Once we reached the halls I ran towards him grabbing his arm. He immediately shrugged it off pushing my arm away and faced me.


"You'll resent yourself huh? Then why even bother-"

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