Chapter 69

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Klara and James were inside the shack now waiting for Remus to wake. His head laid on Klara's lap as she stared aimlessly straight ahead. They both haven't had any sleep, haunted by the events of the night before.

Remus groaned in pain and his eyes fluttered open. Klara brushed her fingers through his hair and she can feel him freeze. He slowly rolled onto his back and he groaned in pain.

"Careful love," Klara mumbled.

His eyes met hers and he was in shock.

"W-What're you doing here?" Remus asked. "Help me up."

James shuffled forward and helped Klara sit Remus up against the wall. Once he was settled Klara looked at him sadly. Remus looked at her and then at James confused. He looked around the room and noticed more damage than usual.

"What happened?" Remus asked.

"Remus..." James sighed and Remus heartbeat immediately picked up.

"James. What the fuck happened? Where's everyone else?"

"Something happened last night- and it's not your fault ok?" Klara spoke up.

Remus stomach dropped at that and he was trembling.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing- no one is hurt-" James reassured.

"Then why- why are you two- someone tell me please," Remus begged.

"Severus got in last night-"


"But we got him out! He's fine- I swear-" James quickly said.

"But- how- how did he-" Remus panicked.

"Sirius," Klara answered and Remus' head snapped to look back at her.

"Excuse me?" Remus asked.

"Sirius got drunk, they had a fight and he told Severus how to get in," Klara said and James frowned.

The silence was deadly. Remus stared at Klara like she spoke a whole different language.

"Please tell me you're joking," Remus finally said.

"No. He came to the room and told Peter and I before he passed out. I ran after Severus with Sassy and Snow. I made it before you did anything to him. But-"

"Fuck- fuck he saw me?" Remus panicked.

"He did- but Dumbledore made him take an unbreakable vow to not say anything-"

"What else happened? Where's Sirius?" Remus asked cutting off James.

"Sirius is in the dorm from what I know. When Sassy and I were inside- you didn't break skin but you bit her and threw her at a wall-"

"No..." Remus croaked now with tears filling his eyes.

"You didn't break skin. She's fine Moony," Klara added.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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