Chapter 57

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I walked into the compartment and froze to just see Remus and Peter.

"Hi!" I smiled shrugging off the shock.

Remus immediately jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around me. We rocked back and forth and I smiled in content.

"Missed you Sassy- how was your summer?" He asked releasing me.

"It was quiet but nice. I needed it. Yours? Pete!" I smiled hugging Peter as well.

Peter hugged me tightly and said, "Nice to see you Sassy."

"Summer was alright. Boring," Remus shrugged.

"And yours Wormtail?" I asked flopping down next to him.

"Uneventful. My parents were acting weird a lot. They kept disappearing without word. But besides that normal I guess," Peter replied.

"Hopefully they're ok," I said and Peter gave me a small smile. "Where's the others?"

"James and Sirius I haven't seen and Klara said she'll stop by half way through," Remus explained.


As if on cue the door opened and James came in. I hopped to my feet and he immediately smiled at me.

"Prongs-" I greeted before he pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Sassy," he smiled holding me tightly.

I released him and said, "I haven't heard from you all summer. Is everything alright?"

"Yea- sorry I was away with my parents for their work. It was maddening," James said and he went to say hi to Remus.


I looked ahead again and my breath hitched at Sirius standing there looking completely distant. His eyes met mine and I gave him a small smile.

"Hi," I mumbled.

"Hey," he replied as he squeezed by me to greet the others.

My eyes widened and I turned to see him hugging Remus tightly. James grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit next to him. I let myself be pulled and I blinked several times in confusion. Sirius sat across from me and I stared at him as he actively avoided my stare. He carried on in conversation with Remus and Peter and I can feel James nudge me.

I looked up at him and he was looking at me sadly.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," I replied and I laid my head on his shoulder.


I walked into my dorm followed by Klara and Regulus. I closed the door and locked it.

"What gives?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Klara asked.

"What happened over the summer? Everyone is acting fucking weird," I replied.

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