Chapter 67

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"Sirius your rivalry with Severus has to stop," Remus said.

I looked at Sirius and his arms were crossed against his chest stubbornly. Peter sighed at Sirius and shook his head. I understood it. This was getting out of hand. Everyday Sirius and Severus were going at each other like dogs. It's been hard on us to keep peace and it's been hard for Sassy to stay sane. But it feels like everyday Sirius' sanity is getting worse and worse.

"He deserves it-"

"It's not him you're angry with-"

"Don't tell me who I'm angry with Moony," Sirius spat.

Remus sighed and ran his hands through his face. Peter rolled his eyes annoyed and looked at me impatiently.

"Sirius we just don't want you to dig a bigger hole more than you already have-"

"What else do I have James?! I've lost everything!-"

"You have US!" Peter yelled shocking all of us.

"No I get the pity. You all prefer Sam- you prefer her over me and don't pretend you don't-"

Remus got up and stared at him sadly. "So James taking you in was nothing? Us defending you and being there has been nothing to you? Out of pity?"

"I cant do this right now-" Sirius breathed and made way to walk out.

"Padfoot-" I started getting to my feet as well but he was out the door. I sighed and looked at the others. "I don't know how else to get through to him."

"Me either," Remus frowned.

"Do you think he's ever going to get through this?" Peter asked

"I don't think he can without her. I want to wish he can- but he's also the most manic I've seen him. This is a version of Sirius that scares me almost," Remus replied.

"Scares you?" I asked.

"He's so impulsive. He's super angry. He's very cruel. I knew he was going to end things with her bad and he stern but- Prongs the things he's done and said to her. It's terrible."

"I know- but-"

"There's no but James. He literally slut shamed her in front of us and her slytherin friends," Remus spat in disgust.

Running my hands through my face and groaned loudly.

"I know. He's fucking terrible. I'm- I'm worried he'll get worse," I frowned.

"I just hope he can stop before he truly loses her forever. Or even us-"

"Remus- we can't give up-"

"James," Remus sighed in a very tired voice. "I don't want to. Of course I don't. But I have limits. I have so much to deal with as it is- dealing with this isn't healthy for my moons- I get more aggressive-"

"I know. I understand," I frowned.

"James I know you're trying to desperately keep everything together-
But take care of yourself too you know?" Peter added.

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