Chapter 4

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13 Years Old

"You fucking disgrace! I don't ever want to see your face again!" Father yelled.

His spit was practically drenching my face and I stood still staring him down with a blank expression.

"Fine," I shrugged emotionlessly.

"She's just a girl- please just- She'll do better," mom pleaded.

Father grabbed a handful of my hair and brought me close to him. I didn't even flinch. There comes a time where you get used to the treatment, to the point where you know to expect it.

"Get the fuck out of my house. Let's see if you even have a home to come back to when you come back from your freak school," he growled and pushed me against the wall hard.

I hissed at my back clashing with the wall and rolled my eyes. Father stomped into the living room knocking shoulders with Severus leaving the three of us in silence.


I snapped my head at my mother and said, "Are you ever going to defend your children? Or will you continue to cower away?"

"I-I tried! I told him to stop!" Mother cried.

"That's not enough! I need this entire damn nightmare to stop! I can't take this anymore!!" I yelled now losing my temper.

Her eyes widened at my outburst and Severus took a step towards me. The ends of my hair began sparking and I can feel Severus grip my wrist hard.

"Sam cut it out," Severus demanded.

I looked away from mother and faced Severus. I yanked my arm from his grip and he gave me a questioning look.

"You're no better. You just stood there. I- " I shut my mouth and ran a hand through my hair trying to control my breathing. "I'm... I'm leaving with Lily. I'll see you at school."

"Samantha don't- I couldn't do anything - stop-"

"Give it a rest Severus. I'm done expecting either of you to step in," I sighed before running upstairs.


I sat in the compartment alone waiting for the boys to arrive. Usually I wait for them on the platform but I'm just simply not in the mood. I hugged my knees tightly against my chest looking out the window. I saw Severus unite with his Slytherin friends and I bit down on my jaw.

Severus and I are still close. We're still not on speaking terms at the moment but I'm sure we will be sooner or later. I just feel like he's become more of a shadow as of late; a follower. I used to look up to him as a leader and a protector but I feel like he doesn't fit that description much anymore. Which disappoints me.

The people he hangs with aren't good people. They're obsessed with the dark arts and they make fun of practically anyone who isn't a Slytherin especially those who weren't pureblood. It's pathetic. Especially considering Severus and I are half bloods ourselves. Even those who were pureblood faced consequences if they didn't kiss at their feet. And Severus, of course, didn't participate nor stand up for people. The Severus I knew was strong. A leader. Now? Im not sure.

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