Chapter 47

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My hand was in display and Lily grabbed my hand staring at in shock. Klara sat beside me watching Lily's reaction closely. We were sitting in the quidditch pitch away from everyone else to talk about Easter.

"I mean... it's beautiful," Lily mumbled.

"It is," I replied.

"How.. how are you feeling about it?" She asked.

"I love Sirius. I understand what it takes to be with him and I'm playing the part-"

"Playing the part?" Lily asked.

"You know. Pretending I'm one of them. To keep the peace between Sirius and them. To keep Sirius," I sighed.

Lily frowned slightly and nodded in understanding.

"Spit it out Evans," Klara sighed.

"I just.. I just thought that when you and Sirius were getting together it would be something so beautiful to witness. Two people who have gone through hell become strong and powerful .. come together to be even more of a force to be reckoned with," Lily explained. "I never imagined you both sticking your tails between your legs and pretending to be something you're not just to be together. I thought you two were going to be ... untouchable."

My breath got stuck in my throat and I coughed slightly. I was taken aback.

"Lily that was rude-"

"No. It was honest," Lily said cutting off Klara.

"You don't understand the pressure," Klara argued.

"I don't have to. I was thrown into this world at 9. I was already a freak amongst non-magical kids only to find out magical kids think I'm some sort of mutant. Samantha and Severus made me feel accepted. Samantha stood up for people like me to people like Sirius family. She never was fake or held her tongue or had any resistance to speak her mind-"

"I still am-"

"You're not. You settled. And Sam I understand how much you love Sirius. I know this wasn't your idea in the first place. I understand the difficult position Sirius is in. But this isn't you. Pretending isn't you. Keeping your mouth shut isn't you. To be honest I'm disappointed. In both of you. I thought you and Sirius were above that," she frowned and she got to her feet.

"I- Lily wait-" I called but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I- I tried to be supportive. I love you like my sister but I can't stand behind this-"

"You're acting like she's one of them- she's just fucking in love!" Klara groaned getting to her feet.

"It's fucking insane! I don't care how in love I am I would never allow myself to keep my mouth shut on racism and- and on violence for a fucking boy!"

The room stood in heavy silence and I stared at Lily in shock. I got to my feet and my fingers were fidgeting nervously.

"Lily you wouldn't be saying that when you have multiple adults willing to cast a fucking curse on you for acting one step out of line-"

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