Chapter 31

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"Sam they're arriving!" Lily called from the room. I opened the bathroom door and ran to put on my slippers. Lily grabbed her robe and tied it quickly around her waist. "Ready?"

"Let's go!" I squealed running out the door and down the staircase.

I can hear Lily's footsteps behind me and I zoomed through the Gryffindor common room. Our holidays were nice. It was just us and we had a lot of much needed one on one time. Even though Lily took me in realistically we were only roomies for two months. The other 10 months were split between our houses and classes and different friend groups. But I missed her so much. I barely remembered the horrible fight I had with Severus by the second day.

I walked into the hallway and there were students already happily reuniting. Lily and I walked down the hallway a bit looking over random heads to see if we recognized anyone.

"Marlene!!!" Lily screamed and she ran toward where Marlene was coming from. They met each other half way and hugged tightly before immediately talking about the holidays. "Sam come!"

I walked over and Marlene gave me a big hug as well. "How was your holidays?"

"We had a great time actually. It was quiet," Lily answered.

"It was peaceful," I corrected and Marlene laughed.


My head snapped up at the sound of James' voice and the girls sighed.

"It was nice while it lasted," Lily commented.

"Oh shut it. You know you missed seeing Potter's handsome face around," Marlene teased.

"Suddenly you can go back on the train and go back home," Lily groaned.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I said and immediately walked away from them trying to find James.


I turned around and there he was. He dropped his bags and he ran to me excitedly. I began running as well and I jumped into his arms. He lifted me off the ground and he spun in circles laughing happily.

"I missed you Prongs," I smiled as he put me down.

"Lily didn't bore you too much did she?" He teased.

"No I actually had a great time. How was your holidays?" I asked as we walked back to get his things.

"Ah it was great. My parents want to meet all of you. So maybe next year you and the boys can come for the holidays?" He offered.

"James I would love that," I replied.

"I got your present by the way. I'll give it to you later- wait I think Padfoot is coming," he said stopping himself.

"Huh- how do you- oh wow. I forget we can smell that well."

"Me too until it happens," James laughed looking around.

"Fuck I love that cologne," I sighed in content.

"Ok Ew," James replied playfully.

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