Chapter 56

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Sirius was gone. The household was eerily quiet. More than normal. I couldn't sleep for days. All I could hear is Sirius yells and see his beaten body in random places in my room. When I closed my eyes. I couldn't escape it. I also couldn't escape the gut wrenching feeling of being alone. Sirius and I weren't close for years to begin with but I thought that was changing. I thought I lost him before- but how wrong I was. This is what that felt like.

I don't have a brother.

I got to my feet and tried to groom myself as perfect as possible to hide the distress I was in. I walked into the hall and heard yells from downstairs. I quickly made my way downstairs and saw my parents in the dining hall in a heated conversation with Bellatrix and her husband.

"Mother. Father." I greeted.

"Sirius isn't coming back." Bella said ignoring me completely.

"We've pushed this for too long. Just tell them he's a traitor and he fled," Rodolphus added.

Mother shrieked loudly and pushed passed me. We all followed her and she walked into the room with our family tree. She took out her room and immediately shot a curse at Sirius' face.

He was burnt off.

I stared at it and I felt a lump on my throat.

"Sirius is no longer a part of this family. Regulus. Don't disappoint me."


I exited the floo and I was in Klara's living room. I heard footsteps coming and Mrs.Malfoy stood in front of me shocked.

"Regulus- how good to see you-"

"I'm so sorry to come unannounced Mrs.Malfoy- I just needed to see Klara urgently," I said as calm as possible.

"Klara!" She called and came over to me. She hugged me lightly and said, "You are welcomed at any time Regulus."

"Mother what - regulus," Klara breathed coming into view.

We stared at each other for a moment and I choked out, "I'm sorry- I just- I-"

I bit down on my jaw unable to speak more. Emotions were rushing through me and it was pissing me off actually. I didn't want to break down.

Klara immediately sprinted forward and wrapped her arms around me. I stood as a statue for a moment and I can Mes.Malfoy frown at us.

"I'll get some tea and leave you alone," Mrs.Malfoy announced walking towards the kitchen wing.

I wrapped my arms around Klara and I felt her hands caress my back and run her fingers through my hair soothingly. I gasped out a sob and suddenly I couldn't stop. I was full on breaking down in her arms and she squeezed me tighter.

"It's ok- you're with me Reg. Just breathe," she whispered softly.

After a moment I released her and took in a huge breath. She brought me to the couch and we sat side by side. She held my hands tightly and I stared at the ground.

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