Chapter 54

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We were huddled on the platform and it was just... awkward.

"My parents are here- I'll write you guys!" Peter said breaking the silence.

We took turns hugging him goodbye and I can see Remus parents in the distance as well. He quickly kissed Klara and hugged us goodbye.

"Write me if anything," he whispered giving me a squeeze.

"Thank you," I replied gratefully.

Remus waved at us one more time and jogged towards his parents. Klara looked over her shoulder and saw her house elf waiting.

"That'll be me. I'll write if I can," Klara announced.

She glared at Sirius but still hugged James and I. We rocked back and forth for a moment and when she released me she was frowning.

"If you need me- you can just show up. It's just mom and I now ok?" She told me.

"I will. I'll write you," I replied and I gave her one more hug.

She walked to the elf and once she took it's hand she was gone. James, Sirius and I stood in a circle and it was awkward. Once again.


We turned to see a man who looked just like James but older. That must be Fleamont Potter.

"And that's me. I'll see you guys in the fall," James said softly.

"Have a great summer," I replied avoiding eye contact.

"You too. Sirius," James said and I can see them hug quickly.

"See you Prongs," Sirius replied.

I looked up catching James' eye and I frowned deeply. He nodded at me and walked by me. I turned to watch him walk towards his father. They were gone in an instant and I turned to face Sirius.

"Sam!" I heard Lily yell.

"And that's you."

"Yea... Sirius- are we ok?" I asked.

"I don't know anymore," Sirius mumbled.

"Well- shit Sirius what do you want? Do you want to take a break?" I asked and his eyes immediately widened at me.

"I- I don't want to. But- I think it's best. I need to get my head on straight. I think you need space to- to forgive me-"

"Ok. That's enough. A break it is. I'll see you after break," I nodded cutting him off.

Sirius stepped closer to me and cupped the side of my face making me sigh.

"God I hate you," I whispered.

"I know," he mumbled before kissing me lightly.


It was half way through the summer. I was reading a letter from Remus about how his summer was going. I've only heard from him and Peter. Sassy and I have not spoken and neither have James and I. It was killing me. I don't know what's wrong with me. My jealousy is out of hand and my insecurity is at new heights. I don't know what's wrong with me.

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