Chapter 20

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I ran down the hall chasing James throwing hexes at him frantically. He was laughing wildly running as fast as possible . The others were waking down the corridor watching in amusement.

"Oh come on- lighten up Malfoy!" James laughed coming to a stop.

I stopped in front of him and narrowed my eyes on him. "You put a spider on my head!"

"And I immediately got it off! I just wanted to scare you-"

"Yea well I'm about to give you year long lasting nightmares," I threatened and he smiled at me.

"You're being a baby. Come on," he replied wrapping an arm around me.

I elbowed him hard in the stomach but nonetheless let him lead me back to the others. Sam was on Sirius' back practically half asleep while Sirius carried on in conversation with Peter. Remus was talking to Lily while Alice and Frank were being disgustingly cute.

"Would you like to come to the whomping Willow and hang out for a while with us?" James asked.

"I don't know I think Sam is about done for the night," I laughed.

"I'm fine. I don't want to go back yet," Sam said.

"We'll we're calling it a night!" Alice announced and we all raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yea we know you're desperate to shag Frank. Go on then," Sirius said and we all erupted with laughter.

"Oh shut it. You're practically a dog," Frank teased back and Sirius' mouth dropped.

However we began laughing even more because Frank didn't realize how true that statement is.

"Are you coming Evans?" James asked a bit hopeful.

"Actually I- uh- I think I'm going to head to bed too," she replied nervously.

"Oh well- do you want us to walk you-"

"No Potter I'm capable of turning the corner myself," she smirked causing James to blush.

"I'm well aware. Just wanted an excuse to spend more time with you," James said confidently and Lily's eyes widened at the direct flirt.

"Hate to disappoint. Hope your ego doesn't suffer," she replied with a hint of humor. James only smiled wider as she waved good bye at the rest of us. "Good night."

"Good night," we chorused.

Once Lily, Alice and Frank were out of sight I turned to face James as he was the one with the idea.

"Well," he said releasing a breath.

"You ok Prongs?" Sam asked.

"That was the nicest she's let me down. Think I'm getting somewhere?" James joked and we all smiled.

"We can only hope," Remus laughed.

"Klara hop on," James said.

"Wait what- no way," I started but James quickly shifted into a stag. "Immediately no."

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