Chapter 24

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Sirius and I haven't spoken about the almost kiss in the hallway since it happened. We pretty much acted like it never happened. Which frustrated me beyond fucking belief. He went back to shagging half the female population while I intensely made out with James in empty classrooms or broom closets.

Regulus and Klara went back to normal. Well. Regulus is also pulling a Sirius and is shagging half our house definitely to keep his mind off Klara. Klara on the other hand is oblivious to the change in Regulus. Then again I speak Black better than anyone I suppose.

Currently, I sat at my table and looked at Crabbe in disgust as he sloppily ate a chicken. He caught my eye and laughed at my expression.

"Is there a problem?" He asked causing the attention to fall on us.

Severus tensed next to me but stared down Crabbe in an almost threatening manner.

"Must you eat so unmannered like a fucking animal?" I groaned in distaste.

"Why does it bother you?" He asked putting his chicken down.

"You make me shudder in disgust as it is and having terrible table manners just about does it for me," I replied and I can see Narcissa smirk to herself.

Lucius and Goyle stared at me annoyed while Severus continued to stare down Crabbe. Crabbe wiped his mouth not breaking eye contact and wiped his hands with a towel.

"I can make you shudder by eating something else like an animal. Care to find out?" He smirked and I felt my food rise up to my throat.

"Watch your fucking mouth!" Severus growled slamming his book shut.

"I rather die," I snarled staring Crabbe down.

"Ease up Severus. Crabbe was only joking. Right there Crabbe?" Lucius smiled amused.

"Sure thing," Crabbe smirked. "I wouldn't be caught dead with a blood traitor."

I felt my insides turn and Severus looked down at his book. I rolled my eyes and quickly got to my feet. I slammed my hands down on the table in front of Crabbe and Severus making them jump.

"I rather be a blood traitor than be caught with a bunch of cruel stupid disgusting narcissists," I said with the most vicious tone possible. I removed my glare from Crabbe and stared down Severus who had a serious expression.

His eyes gave him away.

"Youre all a bunch of egotistical cowards," I muttered and Severus eyes narrowed on mine.

I snatched my bag from the seat and stomped out of the great hall.

"Sam! Wait up!"

"Lily not now," I spat picking up my pace.

"Take another step and I'll glue you to the wall," Lily threatened.

I turned around sighing loudly and said, "Kinky. What do you want?"

"Oh shut it. You're truly impossible. What happened at the slytherin table?" She asked catching up to me.

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