Q & A Section! (Also an FAQ for the Bride of the Kindred Lore)

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Hello guys!

I know this is late but better late than never.

I have had a great reception about my Bride of The Kindred fanfiction. Grammar mistake and Typos included.

Which is why..Thank you for the love and support!

Now I wanna give a few facts about the Kindred male protagonists that are featured here.

Namely Strikes Hard and Warring Soul.

But first, time to explain a few things and I hope I explain the lore right.

What are Kindred?

*They are an alien race of genetic traders that have come to Earth to find Brides. Their DNA makes it so that all their offspring's are male, which is the reason why they make genetic trades with viable planets for female mates.

Earth is the fourth planet the Kindred have done a genetic trade with.

The last 3 planet being Rageron, Tranq Prime and Twin Moons.

*Although the male gene is strong in the Kindred, There will be instances where female Kindred are born. But it is a rare occurrence.

What do they look like? How are they different from Earth males?

* The books describe them as taller (about 6 feet above), bigger with muscular built and very charismatic (handsomeness is subjective for everyone ) humanoid alien males with unique qualities and mating rituals. They also view females as treasures, wanting to protect and satisfy them sexually while being open minded about their partner's wants and needs.

*A Kindred does not abuse females due to the decline of majority of their females that nearly killed off their race in their home world and the fact that they worship a female deity. When their mates are threatened; they enter a stage called "Rage" and eliminate anyone who tries to hurt their mates. In this stage, their eyes become red and they won't calm down until their mate stops them or the treat has been neutralized.

What are the Twin Kindred?

*They are a branch of the Kindred that came from the genetic trade from Twin Moons. They come in pairs. Namely a light and dark twin.

The Light twin is the one with light hair and features. The calm and respectful one who is often the heart and reason. They are often a few inches shorter than the dark twin.

The Dark Twin is the opposite (dark hair and eyes, tanner or darker than their twin's skin). the impulsive and blunt one who is upright about what he wants, more actions than words and they are inches taller.

Twin Kindred claim one female mate. It is in their nature to love one woman and share her. It does not fuel jealousy among them because this type of Kindred are attuned with each other's feelings.

What they feel as brothers eliminates any misunderstandings.

The story features Dark Twin Kindred. Is this canon? What about the Space Station?

*The Dark Twin Kindred are not canon. I made it up. This is a rare phenomenon where Twin Kindred are blessed by the Dark Moon God hence their reverse coloring and unique skin color(Strike having darker skin and light eyes/hair and Warring having light brown skin with dark red hair/brown eyes)

*The Kindred Space Station is not canon either. In my story, this orbiting edifice was made to house the growing numbers of Kindred families so most of the mated warriors live here, leaving room for the Mothership to take in more unmated Kindred warriors.

It is also the place that accepts the non-canon Occupational Draft (different from the Bride Draft) which allows professionals to work in the space station alongside Kindred officers and specialists. The goal is to promote how humans and Kindred can live harmoniously together.

It is also where majority of my stories will take place.

They have been doing it all the time? Why is she not pregnant?

The unique mating trait of this branch is that they can only form a soul bond with a female of they both make love to her together.

If they do it the right way. That is when they conceive children.

If one of the twin tries to touch their female without the other, they won't conceive and even touching your mate without your twin also touching her will send a mild shock to the female and the other twin, making it uncomfortable for all parties involve.

Kinda explains why when you have Twin Kindred for mates, they touch you at the same time and cuddle you together.

Won't it hurt when they do it? I mean...it is two guys!

*The Kindred has means of making sure that their females can accept them. Read the book to find out about it!

Hint hint....It requires eating something. Lolz.

Can Kindred Warriors also claim men?

I support relationships and storylines like this but since this is a fanfiction. I have to be faithful to the original author's lore. So far the Kindred warriors in the books claimed females only.

But....that particular avenue seems like a great idea for a fanfiction.

Why do they talk funny? E.g Warring calling her "Milady" like knights of the medieval period?

Kindred revered women regardless of age or skin or status. The Twin Kindred have a particular way of addressing their mates or brides.

Light Twins are very polite and usually resort to calling their brides "My Lady" or.."Milady". Dark Twins are more prone to call their brides in a more modern way like Baby, Honey or some other endearment like how Strike calls Samira "Little Lady".

That is all for now.

If you have questions, comment, like and follow me for more!

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