End of Story Greetings from the Author

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And we're done!

Damn, was it a year ago since I started writing this story?

Hmm must be.

I did not want to end the story too quickly which is why I released "Extra Chapters"

These chapters are random stories that happened to Samira and how she was faring as a newlywed bride to her Twins.

I often wondered what happens to protagonists after the end of the stories which is why I love Epilogues and Extra Chapters, it is kinds like filler episodes in an anime, which is far from the main storyline but it can be used to build up characters or introduce new ones. ( like Karyn, Andi and the Twin's parents)

Anyways, I think I will continue this fanfiction series coz I am still having fun with it.

Thank you for the support guys and the few who tried to message me. I am happy to be able to interact with you!

See you in my next book!


If you want to view Sarina and Leone's love story. Visit my original Illyrian  series, the  first book "The Prince and the Duchess"


*BOTK Fanfiction -Chosen - Warring x Samira x Strike's story

Currently Ongoing:

*The Prince and the Duchess - (Illyrian Series 1) - Sarina and Leone's story

*Tales of Firens Nu - Book 2 - Aquinas ( Seran, Amaya and Fall's Journey)


*Book 2 Bride of the Kindred Fanfiction - ENTRANCED (Andi x Krei's story)

*Tales of Firens Nu - Book 3 - Ailonwy (Dirt's Story)

Chosen (Brides of the Kindred Fan Fiction) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now