Brianna - Final Chapter: Home

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Brianna's POV:

After news of my pregnancy was brought to light.

The digital clock ticked softly before playing the alarm tone of some chirping birds, waking me up slightly from my sleep.

Even now, I still cannot stop smiling to myself as I replayed the events that happened after I gave the good news to my husbands.

We managed to contact my parents who were overjoyed at they will be grandparents soon. We even bespoke Samira and her family who congratulated us for the great news.

I plan on informing my superior about my condition and if push comes to shove, I can decline the team leader position because my babies come first. It may be my last chance at becoming a mother.

Sad but it is worth everything for me to keep my sweet angels.

I patted my tummy as my gaze landed towards my two sweet spouses. They were sleeping on either side, sandwiching me against their bodies as is the norm but they never made me feel like I am suffocated or trapped.

In the years that followed. I found out how much they love to cuddle with me. My scent was either soothing to them or arousing that they literally want to mate at least once a day or every other day with my permission of course.

In fact, their bodies and spicy warm scent comforts me and makes me feel so safe. Even now that I am pregnant, I feel so languid and safe as I stroked their brawny arms which were covering my body protectively.

Currently, Lean was the one who slept in front and I managed to cup his jaw and stroke his skin as my finger traced his full lips.

He is so handsome and he has always been the gentle one. He always knows where to touch and kiss me with tenderness....

I leaned back as I felt my other husband snoring softly, his arm wrapped possessively against my ribs and his hot breath hitting my hair.

Ah...Go has that stern yet gorgeous features that can make any woman melt. He is rougher and knows just where to make me come non-stop until I was out of breath.

He was forceful and knew just where to make me feel good and yet I never hated his take-charge attitude.

I shifted a bit and stroked my dark twin husband's jawline, my fingers grazing the stumbled growing from not being able to shave last night.

Once again, the peace that has settled in my heart was because of these two Kindred, they broke whatever doubts and fears I had after I was at my lowest and despite my feeble resistance, they claimed me and now...

I have never been so happy.

Are you inviting us, wife?

The playful growl in my head made me stop but Go's other arm slid underneath to press me against him more until I felt his half-hard cock nestled against my ass.

It did not help that they slept half-naked wearing only silky sleep pants so I could feel his hot member branding me against the thin material.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" I lowered my hand but he grinned, his black eyes were soft and gentle as he stroked my belly while he leaned and kissed my bare shoulders.

"You did. Your scent right now always drives us crazy, right brother?"

I smiled when Lean slid closer to us and kissed my forehead, nose, and cheek.  He was also hard from the way it poked my belly...

"It does indeed although..." he sniffed my neck. "The scent has a more citrusy tone. It might be because you are pregnant now."

The doctor told me that the twins and I can have sex gently until my fourth month where the babies will start to develop and affect my gait and belly becomes more rounded. Lots of Kindred males take advantage of this, most especially Twin Kindred because they will be celibate for almost a year at most.

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