Brianna - Extra Chapter 9: Bonding Fruit

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Back to the present....

Go's POV:

"We are late once again." I sighed as we went inside the venue. My hand automatically adjust the necktie and loosen a bit. "I still don't find these " suits comfortable. They are too light and they do not possess any of the force absorbent properties of our work suits not do they have any kind of protective fibers. I feel naked standing here in these clothes."

My brother chuckled as we gave our wife's name and we immediately got a few stares from everyone because of our massive size and built.

Unlike me, Lean feels at ease in Earth clothes. The way he carries himself as we search for our wife made me envy him at times.

"Hey there! Are you two Kindred?" A lady dressed in a revealing black dress and few other females suddenly stopped us. From the way they eyed us with such hungry looks, their blatant interest in us is evident.

But my brother smiled politely and bowed to them.

"We are Twin Kindred. Do any of you happen to see our mate, Lady Brianna?"

From the frowns of a few of the ladies, hearing that we are taken did not sit so well with them but the woman in the black dress still seems interested in us, her gaze was eyeing Lean and I scowled at her brazen attraction to my twin.

"Why don't we show you and...your hot brother around? Your wife may be busy with other...people if she works at the hospital. Maybe I can be of some assistance?" She boldly grabbed Lean's arm and pressed her chest against him.

I winced when one of her shameless female friends also grabbed my arm and they tried to distract us from finding Brie.

"I am afraid.." Lean continued to smiled pleasantly as he firmly took the woman's hold off his arm. "that we should resume our search for our lovely wife. We will have to decline your invitation, Miss."

The woman seemed shocked that their feminine wiles did not work on us as I also pulled her hands off my own limbs as we left to go outside and escape the confines of this crowded place.

But not before hearing the jilted females gossip about us.

"So those are really Kindred? Damn but they look so handsome. I bet they are big all over too."

"The way they turned us down was rather polite. Not a lot of men do that nowadays."

"Wonder who is this mate of theirs? Such a lucky girl. Having two hot hunks every night."

I felt my ears burn at such whispers until but my light-hearted brother just chuckled when his gaze lit up when he saw our wife who was walking back from the beach.

But we both growled when saw who was walking behind her and grabbed her wrist roughly.

The old Brie would have panicked but our wife looked coldly at Gino who was huffing after he tried to catch up to her.

"Take your hands off me." She glared at her former lover who loosened his hold on her but he still would not let go.




We both soon had her former boyfriend backing away as the slow burn in my eyes meant that our protective instincts are taking over.

He backed away quickly enough upon seeing us protecting her. His face suddenly turning pale after seeing our red eyes.

"Is it worth it leaving me Brianna? For two aliens and being cooped up in that hunk of metal the Kindred called their space station?" his voice was directed at our wife. "Are you even happy with such strange entities as your partners? Who knows what they are capable of. Compared to the aliens with mysterious fluids and physical attributes, you should have stayed with me and I could have changed for you...."

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