Chapter 24: Change

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I moaned softly as I opened my eyes drowsily. My body felt heavy but then I saw a muscular arm around my waist while another pair of arms cradled my head and had a hand over Al'rik's small frame. The child's face was squished against my breasts, his snores peaceful and his tail wrapped around my arm.

Now I know why my body is heavy....too many male bodies draped against me.

But the warmth was very hard not to love because I have always...always slept alone in my bed most of my life and I never thought sleeping alone was lonely until I met the twins and they were the two biggest cuddle-bugs I have ever known.

Even my ex was not that into skin ship.

"Hmmm..."I yawned and in doings so I felt a familiar erection rub against my butt and another poking my thigh.

Looking at the ship's chronometer, I gently pulled away their hold on me and carried my new son back to his own bed.

And by that, I mean a floating Ellesian style nut shaped sleeping bed made of flexible Dune wood fibers and a one of those Floating Helix gems embedded in them. A gift from Gadol and an apology as well of sorts.

Al'rik crawled into his soft bed and curled sleepily like a kitten and mewled. This made him look soooo cute.

I watched him sleep for a while before I pulled on my thick wool jacket and fluffed my hair before tying it into a small bun.

I ducked out of the room and made my way to the another room in the cruiser ship where a sustenance counter complete with dehydrated food packs are kept as well a machine for re-hydrating was kept. A small mini fridge of a few organic items was stored inside for me in case I want to cook a simple meal.

I whipped up some food in no time, placed the rays on top of a floating table and it followed me back to the room.

"Hello boys. I re-hydrated some food for us." I smiled at them as they thanked me and started eating up. Usually the twins took turns feeding me while I feed them with both hands.

The twins always slept only in their boxers and I always worry that they might catch a cold in because the cruiser ship is a bit drafty for me. But from the way they stretched and pulled me against the space between their bodies. They don't seem that affected; In fact...their bodies seem to exude an inviting heat that even I can feel through my thick jacket.

This time I sat on Strike's lap because last time Warring had me sit on him. We had rehydrated Roast beef sandwiches, fresh Potato/Parsley mix and some Grieza Worm Tarts.

"Milady, have you ever been to an Intergalactic Bazaar? " Strike whispered near my ears, making me turn to him.

"They..have bazaars out in space?" I was puzzled.

"Of course, A lot of Aliens visiting this place because it has everything they could ever need. We are stopping there for a while to purchase a new pair of energy booster plates. " Warring explained. "maybe after we are done; we can take you and Al'rik around?"

Excitement bubbled up at the thought of visiting an alien market place. I wonder if it would be like the malls on Earth? Do they sell Earth items or just the usual Alien items and oddities.

"I would love that." I leaned in to kiss the dark twin in his jaw but, he leaned down at the right moment and took my lips hungrily, making me shiver as he hauled me against his hard chest. "Mmmph?!"

Strike grinned at me as he kissed my forehead and his hands stroked and squeezed my squishy belly before dipping below and fingered my clit. Before I could stop him, I felt Warring take the tray from my hands and unzipped my jacket before his huge hands palmed my barely covered breasts under my black lingerie.

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