Extra Chapter 2: Karyn's Puppy Love?

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I glared silently at Karyn, who was helping out our mother and wife cook today's meal. The way he followed Samira like a little puppy was becoming irritating for me and Warring.

Ever since hearing our wife sing at the Gathering, A lot of the male Kindred who was still unmated have visited our home to pay their respects to our son and to get a glimpse of our wife; who was embarrassed about the attention.

My brother and I were always protective and would display our "alpha" male side as our wife usually says when we are feeling possessive of her but she was never alone with her admirers as either one of my Fathers or our son are by her side whenever we are preoccupied.

Even amongst the Beast Kindred, she seems to have attracted some attention as well when Karyn revealed to them that she was his new sister.

After a while, the attention died down when it was clear that Samira is happily mated to both of us and that she was content.  No Kindred would mistreat their mates for they are a precious gift from the Goddess, the Mother of Life.

But now that those admirers have dwindled. Now we must contend with Karyn, who seems to always want to be with his "new sister".

"Strike? Can you call Warring and Al from the backyard?" my wife patted my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts as she turned to go back to the kitchen.

"Okay..." I nodded but then I saw my Beast Kindred brother offering to carry the bowl of fruit with a slightly bashful expression at Samira, suddenly I felt the dam burst because I have been holding back my annoyance and anger at seeing another male close to my mate. "Karyn! Call Warring and Al'rik from the backyard. I will help my wife with those."

The hard way I stressed out "wife" seems to have made an impact on my second brother and I glared at him before he retreated from my wife's side and left.

".............." My wife's brown eyes were big and wide as I took the heavy fruit bowl from her and set it on the table. The anger in my gut was felt by my twin and I had to lean on his mind soothing mine before I was calm again.

"Sorry. I lost my cool there..." I said lamely to my wife when she passed me the utensils.

"Let's talk after dinner okay?" was all she said as everyone came on to dine in.

Dinner was noisy, full of conversation and warmth as usual. The addition of our wife and kids were an added welcome because our second mother Shiarah was so taken with them and our Father could not help but spoil our wife.

Karyn was seated beside me and I tapped him lightly and apologized to him softly, the young Beast Kindred was surprised at me since I never was the type to apologize but he grinned and patted me on my arm before we slowly began talking about his training at Cor Una while Warring feeds the girls.


"Huh? Stories...about us?" I blinked at Samira who was panting sexily as I nipped her throat as my hands thumbed and pinched her nipples while Warring services her pussy with his tongue as we were making love to her sitting up in our bedroom that night after everyone decided to turn in.

"Y-Yes.....I-I have been weedling stories of your childhood from Hunt and Blade, Shiarah and Karyn as well. That is why your brother has been close to me lately...A-Aaaahhh!" her flushed face turned even more crimson as her seductive cries made my hardened dick poke at her back.

"You are so close milady....." Warring's fingers made a loud slippery sound as it thrust inside her tightness but I lifted her face to mine as my arm securely went around her waist.

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