Chapter 13: Genoa Springs (The Twin's POV)

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Seems like this book is receiving some love. Thank you guys! Because of this, I am releasing this early.

WARNING: 18+ Very steamy sex scenes ahead. Make sure you are ready. Lolz.


" I guess I can admit that I have fallen for you two."

She finally admits she wants us.

Our lady is pretty tight lipped when it comes to telling us how much she likes us but she does show it through her actions, it was so nice to just hear it from her sweet lips.

Weeks have passed by since we started our claiming period with our lady. Dues to special circumstances; It was a challenge to even let us hold her at first but eventually she trusted us enough to kiss, lick or suck her delectable body.

But seeing how she confessed to us made me and Strike hunger to enter her after two long weeks of just using our hands and mouths to pleasure each other.

But now we aim to make her " first time" much more pleasurable.

After we settled our positions and even warmed her up with a few teasing kisses and caress, Both of us asked her preferences like....

"Which one will have the honor of entering you first? " I whispered hotly against her shoulder as my hands cupped her bare breasts and lightly pinched her nipples, making her tremble as I stroked and thumbed her until she was squirming.

"I-I don't know...Mmmm!" She thrust her pelvis towards my brother who was currently licking the slippery folds of her pussy. The way her hips gyrated against his tongue as my brother's pleasure spiked in our shared mind made me harder than ever.

"Brother....I think you should do the honors. It is better to ease her gently until time comes when I enter her." my brother said after the last of our lady's climax faded.

Strike cradled Samira as I gently propped a pillow under her hip. Between us, she seems so small and yet we cannot seem to see her as a tiny woman. Is it because of her personality? A delicious contrast to her small curvy frame.

"I...I should be used to seeing your equipment by now but....." Samira's voice was part shy and part curious as I gently pulled apart her thighs and lightly nudged her nether curls with my penis making her hold on to my brother who murmured for her to be still as I leaned over to kiss her gently.

I could feel her, how she shivered as I coated my shaft against her moist, wet folds which were dripping as a result of the bonding fruit taken effect on her body until I was covered in them. Licking my lips after kissing her; I made her even wetter as I left nipping kisses and licks against her inner thighs and tease her engorged clit by sucking on her while inserting two fingers gently into her warm wetness and started pumping in a slow firm strokes.

Sounds of her heavy breathing and moans soon filled the small house as I felt a new gush of juices flowed from her as she came for the second time.

That has to do it.

She is not so scared anymore.

Drowning her fear of the unknown with my mouth and hands did the trick. I looked over at my brother who seems to be anticipating seeing me finally enter our lady; Strike murmured to our lady to relax and even helped spread her legs wide for me.

We both know that this was what we wanted to do with her ever since we first saw her at the Space Station, dressed in a lab coat with a defiant look on her pretty face.

At last, brother....

Yes, finally we can show her what it means to be truly ours.

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