Prologue: A New Start

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Earth-Kindred Space Station - near the Earth's moon (Present) 


"This will be your new quarters Ms. Williams. We hope that it is up to the specifications you asked for." the mechanical femdroid said as it showed me to my own living quarters on board the new Space Station.

It was bigger than I imagined. From the living room to the kitchen and there was even a bathing pool the size of my old bathroom.

My gaze then landed on the various small animal tunnels and shelves built along the walls as well as a few cat condos and a medium animal food and water dispenser unit.

It was heaven!   

"This meets my conditions. Thank you. Pls. convey my thanks to the Council." I dropped my bag and set down my pet carrier.

"I will do that Ms. Williams. Enjoy your stay, I will come get you in..." A slight buzzing noise occurred in the droid's head before she continued. "2 hours for the job briefing.."

When the femdroid left and the door to my quarters was shut. I let my pet cat CeCe loose, the fluffy cream colored American Curl purred and shifted about my legs for a bit before leaving me to explore our new home.

I stretched as I looked out the window which showed clusters of bright stars, the silver face of the moon and down below, a sphere covered in blue oceans and continents.

Wow. Earth from afar looked so magnificent in space.

For the first time since we went aboard the space shuttle, it finally sank in that I am away from home. Away from the past I do not wish to remember.

"It would be good for me. I needed a change of pace from my own world." I padded towards my luggages which were brought in earlier and start to unpack my stuff.

In 2 hours time, I will receive my "assignation" and do the work the was assigned to me as a Multi-specialist.

In the recent years, advanced changes in education and occupational demands had bred people with multiple knowledge of certain fields are called "Multi-specialists", special humans with who have awoken almost 90% of their brain power due the advances of science thereby resulting in greater capabilities to learn and do various other work than the norm.

Most of us have extensive knowledge on 3 fields but I have studied and graduated from college bearing 5 degrees at the age of 22 which makes me an exceptional specialist.

My diverse specialist field was one of the reasons I made the draft.

The Kindred Council wanted more humans to try and integrate with them since our world is one of the planets with the most successful genetic trades they have ever done in ages.

So both parties proposed the first "occupational draft", a whole different project  from the bride draft wherein any human, male or female from ages 20-60 years old can sign up and work at the newly built Space station for 2 years to learn from the Kindred personnel who are mated to our females.

Kinda like a cultural and social immersion thing but on a global scale since we wanted to know more about them and I was too eager to volunteer and now here I am.

A new chapter in my life and a new start.

"Ms. Williams. Pls proceed to the Briefing Room located at the West Wing Sector. A Femdroid will be there to assist you in 20 seconds." A female voice floated from the speaker that was above the entrance door.

"Understood." I had just finished pulling up my new space suit which consisted of a light jacket and skin tight breathable pants and boots when the Droid appeared. "Let's get to work."

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