Chapter 10: Surprise Attack

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The only thing I heard were sipping and some slow drinking sounds from her as I looked at the endless view of space by the window.

Even until now, I still have not told my brother....

that the cause of the little lady relapsing was all my fault; We were advised not to cause any stress for her while recovering and yet I lost my temper with her and before I knew it; she was burning up & it took both our constant care to break through her fever. 

Once again I let my jealousy rear its ugly head. I have noticed it a lot these days as Samira was ill; she prefers Warring to me and although I can understand why. It still irritates me when it should not.

I love my brother but to see our lady relying on him more than me made me feel this ugly. It is so unbecoming of me and a disgraceful example of a Kindred Warrior.

"I'm...I'm sorry Strike." her sweet voice was stronger now since she has finished eating.

That finally made me look at her and somehow the ache in my heart intensified. She was thinner than before and pale but to me; she was still so beautiful despite being ill.

Did she just....apologized?

"Don't. I was the one at fault. " I held her gaze. " I should not have gotten angry and stressed you out. Because of almost.." my hands clenched into fists and I closed my eyes against the thought of her dying here in space because of me.

" is not you...I was callous and never imagined that you care so much for me. I relied too much on Warring because he said you are an exceptional pilot and with you at the helm....I can concentrate on getting well."

"What...? He said that?" 

She nodded and blushed as she pushed the holo tray away from her and I caught it as it floated back to me.

"So that was the only reason why you have not bothered to call me?" I asked, feeling very foolish now for being so petty.

"Yes. I am sorry if I was a little slow in answering." she sighed. " The truth is I am scared of needing you both too much."

"Little lady......" my gaze turned hungry at that word.

She finally admits that she wants us.

"I...have always been alone and now that I am so close to gaining absolute freedom from my family. I don't want to be bound again by you two b-but..."

I stood up and sat by her bed; put a finger to her lips before kissing her softly for a second before it became a painful backlash.

"I get it little lady....but a bond with a Kindred is not the same as what you went through with your family. With us, you will never feel unloved or caged or trapped. That is if you let us love you....but ultimately that is your own choice." I kissed her forehead as well.

"Is...that so?" She looked up at me, her beautiful face was still blushing at seeing how close I was. "Okay then...."

"Still sorry for getting angry at you for a stupid reason."

She then pressed against me, giving me no choice but to hug her which felt really good. I could smell her scent and tightened my hold on her.

"I...I am still so confused at how I can even want not one but both of you. On Earth, one man is meant to be with only one woman so....why is it so easy to imagine being with you two." she sniffled.

I buried my face against her hair until I noticed that I have been holding her for some time and yet I am not wracked with painful needle like pain.

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