Chapter 12: Genoa Springs (Samira's POV)

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How did this happen?

I asked myself as I sat on a small wave rider with Warring Soul and Strikes Fast through a remote forest that was a bit far from Mortzlz. Makes me wonder how in the world did I even agree to come with them when I am still royally pissed at them

It all started when I began to gain interest in the fighting style the Ellesian females uses; It was the usage of a blade whip called Bolg. It can alternate from a small blade which breaks into pieces to become a long whip. It was pretty interesting so I tried it and to my surprise; I had an incredibly aptitude for it; even the most proficient female was in awe of how I got the basics in just two days.

I did not tell the guys that I have taken up a new hobby of wielding it and would always time my training with the local female Ellesians when they go to the Kindred Hall. The females in turn became my friends and it was an illuminating experience since I have never had friends who were not humans.

However, due to the third week (the tasting week) coming to an end, My scent seems to have gotten stronger than ever to the point that my guys would walk around the house wearing rock hard dicks. Not only that; I seem to be getting a few male Ellesian admirers asking me out and sometimes following me from the market where I do my shopping.

Not only that but there was a time, I accidentally bumped into a Beast Kindred and he did save me from falling on my face but it was a good 2 minutes before he let me go, I saw the naked hunger in his eyes and the way he looked at me like a succulent morsel he would like to devour.

It was getting to the point where it was getting annoying and just plain scary.

When I asked some of the female Ellesians who was teaching me to wield the borg for advice. They smiled lewdly at me and advised that Male Ellesians are similar to Kindred Warriors when it comes to having a strong sense of smell especially when it comes to women in heat which apparently....a condition I am in right now and to their males, I smell really really mouth wateringly good.

The ones training me advised that to make the males stop. I will need a stronger scent of my males marking me to ward away all of them; They advised that my twins penetrate me to accomplish just that. There were some pretty lewd universal female jabs at me for making Strike and Warring wait for me that long.

Apparently among the Ellesian female populace; they are regarded as "heroes". I know that they are warriors by trade and profession but as I listened to the females talk of their exploits and heroism during the war campaign these past years.

I made me think.....that they are incredible.

At first I was opposed to it but somehow these days, I was feeling quite mellow and was thinking of finally relenting when I came home to two upset Twin Kindred warriors, It actually got worse when they each inhaled and sniffed my neck and found out that another Kindred had touched me because his scent was on me.

I had heard rumors about the Kindred being protective of their female up to the point when they would even challenge any warrior of their kind to the death if they even try to touch their mate. Feeling guilt that I might be the cost if someone losing his life, I tried to reason with them but to no avail.

they insisted on going after the Beast Kindred who dared to touch me so in my irritation, we argued quite fiercely; As a result, I did not talk to them for the whole day as I banned them from the bed as well.

I quickly changed my mind to do "it" with them as I fell asleep in a huge cold bed.

When I heard around town the day I went shopping that the Twins fought the very same Beast Kindred and won; I felt angrier than ever; to disregard my plea and to exert their macho-ness to prove that I belong them was just idiotic and it annoyed me until I saw them at the end of the market place, seemingly to pick me up.

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