Chapter 7: Captive Heart

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It was somehow satisfying to see her family's shocked expression when Samira told them that she currently in her claiming period with us. From the way they eyed me and my brother like foreign exotic beasts just shows that they are few of the humans who don't really bother to know the Kindred as long as we stay away from Earth.

Her sister's expression though was an odd one. She looked shocked at the news as well but after a while she looked at both of us and her blue eyes turned calculating which is never a good sign.

"And so I just want you to be aware that this will be the last time we will meet." Samira's voice made me focus back to the conversation at hand.

"I see." the father looked at us and took a deep breath. "Well you only have a year more until you are fully paid, as long as you can still continue your payments after this..."claiming period"; then we will consider this "distraction" as inconsequential."

Somehow it irks me and my brother that there are still humans who think we use the claiming periods as excuses to abduct young women into becoming our bride. But then what happened next surprised me.

"That won't be a problem." she countered. " but I would appreciate it if you do not think of the Kindred claiming period like a distraction. For these warriors, a claiming period is sacred and something that they do with a woman they will grow to love so I would appreciate it if you keep your opinions to yourselves."

"Such a mouth! " her mother huffed indignantly, her perfect porcelain features was set in an ugly mask of anger. "Is this how you repay us for not throwing you out when Mama Rose died-"

"I am well aware of my place Ma'am. You saw to that so many times." came our lady's hardened voice. " And do not worry. You will be free of me soon enough."

After a few more minutes, Samira escorted her family back to their accommodations while me and Warring cleaned up the remains of the disastrous dinner.

"Her parents are not even worried that we are taking their daughter away to another planet. I cannot imagine such coldness from our parents." Warring's voice was filled with sadness and I felt the hurt in his heart for our lady.

"Now that we are aware of her past. It is a miracle that she could be this normal and kind." I picked up the dishes and dumped them into the dish washer unit to be cleansed. "Brother we should be on our guard. Our lady's sister may be planning something that might hurt her."

But I did not get an answer from my twin so I went back to the living area and saw that Julia was entering our quarters and her previous sweet expression was replaced with a devious smile. Somehow I felt that this woman changes her faces whenever she wants to.

Like an Branba, a small lizard like beast that looks harmless until you realize that it was in fact a poisionous beast capable of paralyzing you with one swipe of its tail.

"I cannot believe a pair of hot aliens would even pick an ugly pig like my sister. Living here in a space station where there aren't any hot women must have left you with no choice." She smiled at Warring and suddenly, she was putting her arms around him while she expertly cornered him against the couch. "Let a real woman show you a good time hmm?"

"How did you get back here?" I asked her in my most civil voice.

"My goody two shoes sister was too busy to check my presence when my parents are grilling her so I retraced my steps and got back here to play with you.." she giggled as she hitched a leg against Warring's thigh.

Before I could get her off my brother who was also trying to pull away form her. I heard the entrance door swoosh open and I saw Samira enter and froze at the situation.

Chosen (Brides of the Kindred Fan Fiction) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now