Chapter 31: Family

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4 years later....


"Al! don't fall behind!" I yelled at my son who was carrying grocery bags full of vegetables from the fifth aisle.

"Coming Apa!" was his bright response as he appeared with the bags, the third one was clasped firmly with his tail.

I smiled at his cheekiness while paying with my credits before we exit the Space Station Market.

"Your mother is coming back after a month from an important negotiation at Yonnie Six. I am sure she would love some good old Earth pasta and some pizza."

"Oh nice!" his opal eyes sparkled. " I loved the pasta she made for us before she left. La-sag-something."

"Apa Strike has memorized the recipe by heart so let's help him out and make it perfect for your mama."

As I asked him about school, I looked at how big Al'rik has gotten. In just 4 Earth years, his growth cycles has stabilized.

In the beginning. His growth cycle was rapid for in the first year of our residence here. But after his 10th shift which passed on his 2nd year, his shifts occurred only twice every 6 Earth months the next few years.

He grew into a 14-year-old human-sized child in just 4 years overall. It was a slower growth cycle for a halfling but Ellesians do live long life spans and so do the Namoreans.

In his true form like now, His hybrid blood has brought out the best features from both Ellesia and Namorea. His slender yet strong built and his pointy cat ears were more smaller and delicate than the usual Ellesian while his dark grey skin has lightened and had a blue silver sheen now. And yet he seems to have inherited a Namorean's ability to fully camouflage their surroundings and turn invisible as well.

But in his human form, he just became more good looking like his fathers. His black-blue hair and light skin really reminds us of our beloved wife.

As we got back to the apartment and helped prepare the food. I looked back at what happened after our wife renounced her name 5 years back.

It brought some problems at first but when we offered to register her into our family roster, the fact that she was now bearing our family name opened a lot of doors for her outside of Earth.

Due to her dedication, her contributions in advancing and making Kindred fusion dishes known to the public became very prominent and soon Earth ingredients were very in demand that the Council decided to collaborate with the Earth World Government to do an Intergalactic Trade route with other planet's interested in purchasing ingredients. In return, more Kindred technology and aid for the agriculture and food sects will be provided to help keep up with the demands and needs of the trade market.

Our wife became the first female director to represent the World Government in opening these trade routes. So far, Yonnie Six has now opened their connections to us because of the Earth's reputation of producing top quality products as long as the representatives doing the trades are all female thereby more job openings for the female population on Earth is much needed since the negotiation was going a favorable direction.

One of the bots hovering over us, suddenly announced that our bride's shuttle has just arrived.

"Al, keep the food well heated. Me and Warring will pick up your mother." Strike patted our son's head.

"Of course Apa. Be back as soon as possible with Mama!" he yelled as we left, feeling excited.

"It has been weeks since we last felt her body against us right Warring?" my twin said and I laughed at that.

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