Chapter 19: A Risky Move

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Hello guys! Sorry but I got sick after vacay and I had work so it is late. If there are some confusing parts here, message it to me. I was not in the right mind when I made this chapter. Lolz.


"Brother! Stop! Destroying things won't get her back!"

The faint shouts of my twin did nothing to quell the rage and despair I am feeling right now. Warring's own melancholic thoughts were adding to it as well but he was more composed while i grabbed the nearby chair and table and threw them at the wall, the furniture splintering into pieces because of the strong impact.

Once the sea of red faded from my vision. I looked up from my own twin who was shaking as well while a few of our Ellesian scouts tried to pick up the scent of the ones who took our bride and our friend.

"We found a trail!" the lead scout shouted and that made me and Warring run after the scout team who proceeded to follow the trail which lead towards the forest to the South.

I shared a look with my brother, who was still pale with worry and it was evident that he was distraught over Samira being taken.

Little Lady.....

I remember hearing her scared voice just as we were away from the Kindred Building, which was on the other side of town. The minute we heard her panicked thoughts and her fear. We ran like mad men to reach our home.

But by the time we got there, we saw a few of the Ellesian civilians looking at our abode which was set in fire in loud fearful voices. When we went up the stairs, several of our own Kindred brothers lay dead on the ground.

Fast forward to now. While the two of us followed the scouts. A few shadows appeared beside us until their shapes became visible.

It was a few of the females in town who were part of the militia unit, they each wore knives strapped on their thighs and a bolg strapped to their tails.

"Oh! Sir Warring! Sir Strike! Mind if we tag along?" the tallest of the females called out to us.

"Sure but why though?" I asked them. Because of their group mentality, Ellesian females usually never venture away from the town unless they were sent on a mission.

"Oh..Did she not tell you? Your wife is an honorary member of our group. She brings us some of her delicious meals and her skills with the borg are getting better. Naturally when we found out she was taken...We all agreed to help you get her back."

Their words both shocked us. We knew she was always talking with the locals and yet we missed the fact that she was training with a weapon nor did we think she would make allies so quickly.

"Thank you. Please do help us get her back." I politely nodded and they all grinned, flashing white small fangs at us.

Just then we felt it. It was faint but we can feel her again and it seems like she was scared and yet she suddenly stamped the urge to panic. My our hearts could not help but swell at her courage.

Hold on.....Hold on love.....We are coming for you.




My vision was hazy and I felt a sharp pain from my head as I regained conscious.

The first I saw was a hulking shape and a flash of blue then as my sight came back, I realized that that shape was a knocked out Krei with his wrist encased in some kind of stone cuffs with some sort of plant strapped to it.

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