Character Chart

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Author's Notes:

Hi guys! I just wanna say thanks for all the votes for my fanfiction! I did not think anyone would even take the time to like it. I appreciate it so much.

I wrote a Character Chart because I have a tendency to forget the facial features of my subjects.

Plus it is fun to write and imagine what your characters would look like.

So for now, check out my story's characters.

See you on the next chapter!!

Samira Williams
Hair: Long. Black with blue highlights
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Light
Height: 5'7
Weight: 200 lbs.
Field : Multispecialist
Previous Job: Cuisine Reasearch Sector Consultant
Current Job: Sustenance Laboratory Consultant

*She looks curvy because almost half of her weight is attributed to her muscles she gained while doing gym which was why she has this sort of figure.

*Obsessed with Kindred Fusion Sweets like Grieza Worm Tarts and Fireflower Mousse because it does not give her any weight gain.

*Hates showing affection to anyone unless it is with someone close to her.



Strikes Fast
Hair: shoulder length hair. Sides are shaved. Silver Blonde
Skin Color: Deep Copper.
Eyes: Silver Grey
Height: 6'6
Weight: 228 lbs.
Field : Warrior/Pilot
Previous Job: Unit Leader for Beta
Current Job: Recruit Trainer for the Ellesian-Kindred Allied Forces

*Loves working out, testing weapons and cooking for his bride.

*Usually not so easy to provoke but with Samira, his temper becomes unpredictable.

*He secretly likes it when his bride smiles at him, his cheek and ears turns red usually when that happens.

Warring Soul

Hair: spiky yet short. Back end of his head is shaved. Crimson Red
Skin Color: Caramel
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Height: 6'5
Weight: 210 lbs.
Field : Warrior/Weapons Expert
Previous Job: Unit Leader for Beta
Current Job: Recruit Trainer for the Ellesian-Kindred Allied Forces

*He likes cleaning the house and maintaining weapons.

*Secretly wanted to take a vacation on a tropical island on Earth due to Samira's stories of her vacations in Asia before.

*Loves cuddling with his bride and brother while watching a "TV show marathon".

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