Chapter 23: Al'rik

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Another chapter in just a 2 days!

I had an idea and so I had to write it down immediately.


Today was the day we will be leaving Ellesia.

Somehow, I will miss this place. The twins bid their brothers at arms especially a recovering Krei goodbye yesterday when they were discharged from duty.

The huge Blood Kindred's medical diagnosis was a good one; his limbs will be making a full recovery but until then he needed bed rest.

I, on the other hand said my farewell to the Ellesian Militia ladies who taught me so well and hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

Even Gea gave my butt one last squeeze (which I was uses to now); I promised to visit when I am able to.

Presently, Me and my husbands stood inside the Kindred Camp Building in front of Commander Hadron. The older male seemed strained and anxious beneath his steely disposition; I have never seen him so nervous.

He then started by congratulating the twins on a good job on contributing their warrior's skills resulting in ending the war and even took my hand and bowed slightly to me. He told me that introducing new methods of cooking to the Ellesians as well as my discovery of the Puasson's secret poison sac has not gone unnoticed and because of our overall achievements; he told us that The current Ellesian rebel leader and his Council ware on their way here to present me with a token of their appreciation.

The news made my twins hug me, I blushed when the started kissing me in front of the Commander but they were happy for me so for once, I just let it go.

"You deserve it little lady." Strike purred softly against my ear while Warring kissed my head.

"Congratulations milady." he replied to me happily, his brown eyes were like warm caramel.

I patted them gently before asking them mentally to let go of me, they were well aware of my shyness when they hug me in front of others. They complied but not before winking at me cheekily before the door opened and a few male Ellesians came walking in.

The Commander took this time to exit the room, giving us privacy.

As I accepted the Council's greetings, One handsome Ellesian who was taller than the others smiled at me amiably. His blue skin had a unique purplish hue; Oddly I remember reading that the tyrant's family line also posses this unique skin type.

Does...that mean...?

My speculations was answered when the Tall Ellesian saw my expression and he laughed huskily, showing white fangs.

"A quick mind. This female possesses." Gadol looked at my husband's with approval. " She is also raving beauty as my fellow Ellesians say. Ah...If only she was not mated..."

That remark caused my husbands to frown and shield me from the rebel leader, causing him to laugh as his tail twitched.

"It was jest Twin Novas. Ellesians would never steal another male's mate. " he bowed to me elegantly. " We would like present your wife with an honorary title of "Mir'Ei" for her contributions to the Ellesian Society and her discovery of the slow acting poison that brought down the loyalists at our final battle."

My eyes went wide. "Mir'Ei" is a title reserved for female royalty in Ellesia. To name a non-Ellesian this would mean I can offer advice to the Next Leader of Ellesia and hold some measure of power and rank in Ellesian society.

"Thi-This is too much." I was speechless as I gaped at Gadol.

"Not at all. This is the least we can do for you. Similarly...Your husbands both hold the title of "Yongu", which meant royal warriors and are welcome to stay here anytime."

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