Chapter 18: Abducted

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It has been a few days since the incident and we were busier than ever.

The hunt for those who attacked the Kindred building was active for weeks and somehow we managed to bring down more than a few enemy encampments, one in particular that was close to the town where we are staying in.

Krei would often serve as a special bodyguard to our wife whenever we were on a mission. Normally we would not even let him near her unless it was necessary but now that she has been fully "bonded" to us, it was safe to let our friend look after her.

It seems like after she tried to shield and saved his life; Our Tranq Prime buddy was a lil bit in love with our lady and would always joke that if she was not ours, he would claim her.

If he was not our childhood friend, we would have challenged him for that but we, of all people know of his loyalty towards us.

And Samira seems to have taken a shine to him too so we were sure that she was in safe hands whenever we leave her to participate on missions to bring down the "rest" of the loyalists.

Call me impatient but I want this to be over so that we can start a whole new chapter with her.

Our little lady, who is currently at home.

More recruits came this week and to our good fortune; They were a bit more experienced than the last ones and as a result; we had an easier time drilling them on the environment, effective fighting techniques as well as the weapons being used.

Apparently word has spread that our bride has accepted our claim and many of our unmated comrades congratulated us. May of them wore looks of jealousy and awe because to call a bride and be accepted after more than a month of trying to bond with her was regarded as a blessing from the Goddess of Life.

We did not think that we could succeed in convincing Samira at first. She looks so sure of herself and is enjoying a very successful career as a single unmated female; But beneath her confidence, we found out about how she was unloved by her family and how she struggled to get where she was. She was far from the perfect, confident lady we initially thought.

But that only made us even more determined to woo her and the more time we spent with her; The more we slowly came to care for her. 

We thought we loved her at first sight but now.....I don't think we can imagine being without her.'

"Brother, Our hours are up. Time to go home." I nodded to Warring who was putting on new dry shirt from his locker.

My twin and I were excited to go home. We thought that this good news would delight our lady; Commander Hadron gave us some uplifting news that the main scout had finally discovered the large nest of the tyrants remaining forces. The plan was to stage a massive scale attack on the place and finish the war once and for all.

If all that goes to plan then the Ellesian rebels will finally be free to rule and form a government that will fit the new world order that they will create once the last of the tyrant's allies are imprisoned or dead.

"The Ellesian leader Gadol was hoping that you would join this huge mission but I already gave my apologies because you two were on your claiming period. that you have won over your bride. The decision is up to you if you want to join or not." Commander Hadron said nonchalantly while his sharp eyes watched our expressions.

We  immediately declined the offer which made the Commander sigh but he understood that our bride comes first. He also told us that he will be relieving us of our duty today so that we can prepare to take our bride back to Earth. He concluded that since our claiming period is officially over and we already trained enough recruits to bolster our forces here, So it is the best time to let us go.

We could not wait to give this piece of news to Samira, she would be so happy to go back to her home world and start planning our bonding ceremony or"wedding" as she says it.



"What did you just say?" I was washing the dishes as Krei told me an interesting piece of news.

"I heard it by accident while Commander Hadron and rest of the War council was in session. But they are thinking of dismissing Warring Soul and Strikes Fast today but they also offered them an opportunity to fight in another massive scale attack on the main enemy base." the Blood Kindred seems excited about it. "What do you think the twins will choose?"

I dried the remaining plates and thought of them, my heart seem to be bursting with worry and love when I think of them lately.

Not that they will hear such corny lines from me, of course.

"Personally, I think they should accept the mission but I think they will decline it because they will think of me first." I said after a few minutes of thinking. " But....I will respect whatever decision they make. "

My answer made Krei smile at me warmly. That surprised me for I thought that he was the type not to smile often which made him look so stern and unapproachable.

But his smile right now could melt any woman's resolve. Too bad I am unaffected by such a dreamy sight.

"I like you for my sworn brothers Lady Samira, You are a very wise and caring woman. Maybe after the war campaign is done. I may pay a visit to the Milky Way for a while and see if the Earth is as beautiful as they say. The twins have been telling me about the food there and about certain strange customs you humans do."

I smiled as I answered his questions about my home but then I felt a prickle of pain at the back of my head and I stiffened just as the windows of the house all shattered and I saw a few cloaked shadows appear inside.

I heard the guards outside struggling and yelling just as I felt Krei cover me just as my mind called out to my husbands.

Strike! Warring! Help me-

I screamed when several of the enemy held a blow dart pipe to their mouths and aimed at the hulking Blood Kindred. He managed to deflect a few of the projectiles when it was fired but one of it pricked my arm.

I felt light headed as I numbly hit the ground just as Krei tried to fight the enemies using his Marudian Blade and his Plasma Shield but his movements were limited because he was protecting me.

"I-I...can't move...." I panicked but somehow I can still speak. 

I heard the Blood Kindred's angry war cry when I fell and his will to protect me became strong because none of the assailants could get closer to me.

Just then more enemies came from the roof. One of them came down on Krei and despite the fact that he was bigger than them; he was struck by one of the paralysis darts and also fell on his knees.

No! Krei!

The first thing on my mind were Warring and Strikes They will definitely yell at me for letting my guard down and then they will be so worried.

The last thing would be.....If they would kill me in cold blood now, My only regret is that I did not tell the boys how I loved them.

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