Chapter 30: Renouncing One's Family Name - Part 2

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So... Yeahh....I got motivated.

That and... I have a photoshoot scheduled so if I don't do this now, I'll forget this for a while.



In the past, my feelings for Julia has always been complicated.

Because I was both jealous and yet admired her in an odd twisted way.

She had everything. Our parent's love, A fit body, a pretty face and throughout our school years, she's a popular girl and has everyone charmed with her charms.

And yet somehow she becomes childish and throws tantrums whenever nothing goes her way. This sign of weakness under her pretty, polished figure has grounded me at a young age and it made me realized that she was not as perfect as I thought which was why I tried be supportive as an older sister.

But I truly hated her when she stole David from me and it took me 2 years to get over the pain and to realize that she never cared for me at all.

How odd was it now...

that I feel nothing for her as she stands before me now, decked in her wedding finery, about to marry the man I used to love. Her blonde hair all in place and her make-up perfectly done.

Funny how spending time on another planet and being loved by my twins made me different from who I used to be.

"How does it feel having seen your former flame become my husband? Isn't he just so dreamy? All of our family are saying how perfect both of us are for each other, isn't that nice?" she smiled in a pouty way as her eyes took a quick glance at my dress with ill-concealed irritation.

"Actually I am fine with it." I smiled serenely, knocking her smirk off her face.

"Y-You are." she said suspiciously.

"Yes. I realized that if David really did love me; no matter the temptation you present to him. He would not succumb and come back to me." I told her as I walked closer to her. "Just like how you tried to behave like a slut with my twins and yet they came back to me."

Hearing the way I said, "my twins" made her turn an odd shade of purple and her sneering face turned even nastier.

It was an unexpected expression because whenever I gave in to her bullying all throughout the years, I always run from her or cry while she laughed nastily.

But no more...

"You think yourself better than me then? Just because you work away from Earth and attracted those weird aliens? No man in their right mind would want a fat, frumpy weirdo like you for their wife." she spat out sharply.

"I never thought I was better than you Julia and as for anyone wanting me...." I showed her the crystal ring that gleamed a thousand colors. "I'm already married."

I expected a mature reaction but....

"No!No! This is not supposed to happen!" she stomped her foot like a child whose toy was being taken away. " You were supposed to cry or be hurt by this whole thing!"

I raised an eyebrow a disgust crossed my face as she continued to glare at me like I ruined it all and throw a childish tantrum.

Poor David. To be tied to my sister....I cannot imagine a more sad fate.

"I'll tell Mom and Dad, They won't stand for this! You being married to aliens is an abomination and a stain to our family name! I will also tell them about you whoring yourself to them to make sure you suffer for this!" she pointed at me and smiled deviously as she went near me until we were nose to nose with each other.

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