Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents

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"I won't take what you are not willing to tell us what you want Samira."

His voice was softer and more gentle, I could feel their desire and yet they are holding back for my sake. The way his gaze was hungry enough to devour me initially scared me but he never made a move and watched me silently to give him permission.

Twin Kindreds usually ask permission from their lady before they do anything. Sometimes it drives me crazy so I make a rule that unless I say "no"; They can do whatever it takes for me to feel happy.

Brianna's words came back to me. I can stop them with one word.

And yet, the feel of their hard bodies around me was too sensuous, too good for me to refuse. And even worse... I feel like my body is truly at its sexual limits. I need release!

"Do it." I managed to moan out.

"Say it properly. Strike lick my pussy and make me come." Strike's grin turned devilish making me grit my teeth but I choked out a reply because I wanted to come so badly. I mentally filed away this moment and will use it as a source of payback later.

"Pl-Please lick my pussy and make me come. " I cried out. I'll get you back for this someday though...

"How polite. with her breasts while I tend to her pussy." Strike smiled at Warring who nodded and leaned in to gently take my lips while he made me lean against him.

As Warring's tongue clashed against mine, I felt his hands gently knead and play with my breasts making the throbbing down below all the more unbearable. I arched my breasts eagerly against the light twin's big hands until he broke that kiss and I felt his stiff shaft poking me in the back.

"Easy milady, relax and let us bring you pleasure." he shift until he could bend his head and took a nipple to suck on vigorously making me gasp out loud.

The pleasure that was building within me has somehow doubled. I trembled even more as the Darker twin started licking my panties, soaking it enough for him to part my inner folds.

"Your lace underwear is a joy to behold little lady, even through this cloth I can see how drenched and pink your -"

"S-shut up.." his seductive voice was pissing me off but I heard him chuckle as he slow licked a certain nerve ending that made my hip thrust up to his waiting mouth and my voice to cry out as he forcefully speared his tongue inside me.

"W-What did you..."

Strike then withdrew and went back to licking that certain spot again and then sucked on it roughly I felt myself coming until my entire body stiffened and the Twin's efforts at bringing me to the peak of unparalleled pleasure making me come again and again. 

I screamed out my release and suddenly my vision became hazy and then.....I passed out.

The last thing I felt was four strong arms around me, calling my name.


When I awoken, My gaze was in direct contact with a pale faced Strike and I felt Warring's breath of relief as he hugged me from behind.

"Thank the Goddess, you are well..She's okay brother." he turned my head gently to him just to give me a quick kiss on the forehead.

I nuzzled him in return. Somehow the building sexual tension in my body has eased and I feel a little lighter now, As I looked to at least give the Dark Twin some assurance; I saw his light colored eyes gleam with worry for me and loathing for himself.

Chosen (Brides of the Kindred Fan Fiction) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now