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Hi guys! Hopefully you had  agreat time reading this and for being nice to an erratic writer who uploads on a whim.

There will be a few special chapters following soon....

After that, a new start to write something new.

Anyways enjoy!

Hall of Waves
Nuu Prime,Oshiran

A year after the birth of Soleen and Luna....


"Director Samira, you are as exotically beautiful as the rumors say." Councilmen Ga'ne-ba garbled in his native tongue. "You are an elusive creature but no female has ever refused me; mated or otherwise."

I was on my way back to my quarters when suddenly I was surrounded by dozens of spear guards, The Gun'ga are a race of humanoid reptile/fish hybrid aliens from the water planet of Nuu Prime from the Oshiran galaxy. My mission here was to secure a temporary trade route for Earth for a few of this planet's aquatic herbs and meat which is said to have a really good synergy with our new hybrid root vegetables.

The planet was mostly covered in water but there were elevated islands wherein cities filled with canals and waterways and structures are where the Gun'gas make their home.

Unlucky for me, the head Councilman Ga'ne-ba seems to have fallen for me the first time we met and although I have tried my best to rebuff him; his thick skull does not understand the meaning of "No."

Which explains why I was accosted by him while I was on my way back to my living quarters in the Guest Abode near the Summit building where negotiations failed due to the Councilman's unfair influence.

"I already said this once Sir Ga'ne-ba. My husbands will not like you touching me; Let us forget this ever happened and part ways in amiable terms since the trade route agreement has been denied." I looked at the huge Gun'ga who had iridescent blue scales and fins and is dressed in a black robe.

"Share my bed for this night, fair Samira and I can overturn most of my brethren's decision. Surely you can spread those delicious white thighs of yours for such an important mission." his slitted eyes were boring through my ocean blue nightgown which was a thin material made of Anemone Silk.

Gods, this is the part I hate.

"You flatter me Sir but I must decline." I smiled at him cooly, which made his hiss loudly at me. " The only males who can touch me are my husbands."

This made his scales glow red and his fangs to elongate in rage as he let out an inhuman roar as he pointed a claw at me.

"Then you die! No female refuses me! Guards skewer her!" he snarled as the spear guards simultaneously thrusted their Hydro Spears at me.

I pulled out my Bolg from my thigh strap and flicked it up towards a chandelier and it hoisted me up at the right moment the spears was suppose to skewer me. I pulled out a small bomb from my waist pouch and threw it at the guards, it diffused a small rain of sharp projectiles that kept them pre-occupied.

Now Warring!

My husband came from one of the hallways carrying a new Shock blaster effective against water dwelling aliens and shot a blast of electricity at them, effectively paralyzing and injuring them.

The spear guards all collapse except for the Councilmen who must have sensed the ambush and was now fleeing through the other hallway.

But.... he did not know that my other husband is waiting there.

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