Brianna - Extra Chapter 3: Falling In and Out

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Brianna's POV:

"Hmmm? An invitation?" I saw that it was a party celebrating Providence Hospital's 100th year of serving the community.

But who?


Gino, my former fiance. My former love of over 5 years...

I checked the sender and I was right; his secretary's name and number were there which means he invited me to the party.

It has been so many years since that day I found out the harsh reality and the memory of his gentle smiling face turning cold and cruel made me shook my head.

He must have sent this without knowing that I married the very twins who beat him up.

Remembering his betrayal did not hurt as much as I checked the other package which came from my brother who works as a lingerie designer in France.

I blushed when I read his letter and decided not to open it here out in the open and headed home through my Take-Me, which nuzzled me affectionately as I sized him just right for me to climb on as it galloped towards the Resident Section.

This alien horse-like animal was native to my husband's planet and once they are telepathically linked to their riders. One thought and they will move to where I want them to without saying it out loud.

It gave me time to reminisce about how I fell out of love with Gino and into the arms of the very Kindred twins I taught.

It was a love story I never even thought would happen...



I was starting to feel weird this past month...

Sometimes I wonder if it was the alien food I was consuming as of late or the way my body is adjusting to space.

So far, the Kindred were a joy to teach. They were curious beings and full of questions every time I teach them new topics not related to their course and sometimes they ask questions about Earth.

And I was happy to answer them and they seem to marvel at the beauty of my homeworld like the beautiful mountains I went to in Asia and the old castles and villages in Europe I have seen.

Honestly, I have never had so much fun teaching aliens.

But lately, I have been noticing Leans Back and...his brooding brother Goes Last...a lot.

Whenever I would let my eyes wander, I would look for them and when I run into them sometimes while shopping for stuff, I cannot help but feel my body react like my nipples would grow hard and my lower body would feel itchy and hot.

I have tried to act as professionally as I could and resisted. This is stupid and wrong....

I have a fiance back at home and now I have been thinking of not one but two guys?

Dear Lord, I am insane.

"Ms. Brie?" A deep voice made me jump while I was clearing the table after today's class ended.

"Omg!"  My cry startled Go. "Do not surprise like that. It is bad for my heart."

"...Sorry about that, Ms." he smiled at me, the dimple near his full lips should be outlawed. "My brother and I have a few questions regarding today's android model since we are using them in our laboratory."

"Oh.." I tried to stop my heart from beating too fast but damn, these twins are really cute.

And they keep getting better the more I saw them...

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