Extra Chapter: Meeting the In Laws - Part 2

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Due to the Missing Story Outage that happened yesterday, this story went missing and I was freaking out... So glad it was resolved so I am releasing this early.


I looked around the pale pink gold stone walls in the room that I was currently staying in while nursing her babies.

The simultaneous tugs of Sol and Luna's ravenous mouths on my engorged nipples was a combination of a bit of pain drowned out by pleasurable relief as the girls slowly emptied my heavy breasts of milk, relieving me of the weight.

Now I know how a cow feels like.....

I never knew how lactating women stand the feeling of having breasts so heavy that it gives me back pain. Sometimes the feeling of fullness in them makes me feel sore that I would often use a milk pump to bottle up some of the excess fluids for my babies in case of emergencies.

The bed was made of sturdy wood planks, a fluffy mattress the color of pale green and soft cream circular pillows covered the middle, a white sheet covered it. It was quite nice and large enough for me and my twins to share.

To my right, a big cradle made of woven reed like material hung near our bed but instead of being planted on the ground; thick ropes secured on the ceiling was tied around the butt and sides of the structure, reminding me of a hammock except it is for our babies to sleep in.

"There, there girls..." I kissed one twin's head and then the other before pulling them away from my breasts and I patted their backs gently till they burped before settling both of them on the cradle before. After that, I tended to myself, wiping my chest with cleansing water and readjusting my bodice.

The twins were never fussy and soon after I tucked them in, they fell asleep with their little hands curled around each other.

Adorable. I smiled, the love I felt for them blooming in my chest, unfurling a warmth inside of my body.

I quickly rummaged through my luggage until I found a nice floral loose-fitting cotton top and a flowy vermillion sari skirt, the protective space suit was fine for the cold void of outer space but the atmosphere here was warmer so this outfit was a breath of fresh air.

Feeling tired again, I fell back against the comfy sheets of the bed and curled myself against the plushness of the pillows, clutching at it as I remembered the rather unusual reception we got when arrived at this place.


[ Flashback]

1 hour ago...

It was a place was breathtakingly beautiful.

I gasped as our ship entered the Twin Moon's atmosphere and broke through the golden skies only to reveal a continent filled with pink green vegetation as we flew even closer, the land was very picturesque with pink flora and fauna, I even saw a few herds of Take-me eating the grass as we saw the a few Twin Kindred settlements before our ship whooshed pass them and my eyes went wide at the sea which looked like molten gold.

"There it is. The Twin Kindred settlement of the Isles of Cor Rosa." Warring said, his voice a blend of wistfulness and delight.

I saw a cluster of islands, most of them had a few houses in them and boats or ships moored at their edges but they flew past them towards the smallest one nestled in the middle of two bigger islands. It was a half moon shaped with a few pink rock formations protecting certain areas.

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