Brianna - Extra Chapter 6: An Elite

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(Continued Flashback)

Brianna's POV:

I looked at two of the most gorgeous males I have ever laid on. Even dressed in borrowed pants and shirts. They fill them out so well that I was noticing other women and even men staring avidly at them while I was ordering drinks by the counter.

Who could blame them?

Leans Back has that boyish charm while Goes Last gives off a certain bad boy vibe. Both males were also tall, muscular and pretty attractive.

But when they suddenly told me that I was a potential mate, the insecurity that Gino said to me over a voice note came back with a force of a battering ram.

So I lied.

I said that I was not sure of whether I could fall for two men when in truth, I have been masturbating to my erotic dreams of them kissing and licking my body.

Thank God, I was not using them for fapping material for the past 3 days or else my cover would have been blown.

Surely....they will give up now, right?

"Milady." Lean's soulful brown eyes held me captive. "We understand where you are coming from but maybe after you end things with your lover. Will you at least...give us a chance to prove to you that we are serious?"

His soft yet sweet voice was oddly persuasive and it was gentle.

"I agree. You won't regret letting us into your life Brie. " Go said as he took my hand and kissed it, I noticed that Lean also held my other hand as his brother continued to run his lips over my palm.

" two are relentless...." I sighed loudly but I feel my heart wavering a bit. "Okay, okay. Today is my last day here. I'll let you know of my decision to your plea okay?"

"Thank you, little one." Lean also grabbed my other hand and kissed it. "That is all we asked for."

Somehow, our little exchange caught the eyes of a few of the cafe customers so we quickly finished our drinks and food before leaving.

"Hey check out those two big tall glasses of water."

"They are so big. You think they might be...Kindred?"

"What are they doing with such a drab looking mouse?"

"Ugh. They deserve someone hotter.."

Feminine whispers of admiration towards the boys and derision or pity towards me floated in the air as we made our exit.

My shoulder slumped at their whispers. I am aware that these two may just be out of my league.

In my short time as their trainer, I found out that they are research scientists specializing in bio-weapon maintenance and modification.

Their previous job required traveling in a scouting vessel maintaining the ship's weapons while they search for viable planets for the Kindred to do more genetic trades.

It gave me a sense of surprise how such otherworldly alien men would settle for someone like me.

They...could do so much better.

"Milady, my brother and I are staying the night at the HKR building for your peace of mind. You can leave with us tomorrow whenever you want." Lean volunteered.

"Huh? Oh...y-yes that is fine."

"Brie, do not pay them any mind. We see you for what you are." The dark twin pulled me closer to him till his arm was behind me while Lean held my hand. "You are prettier than the women at that coffee place."

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