Brianna - Extra Chapter 2: Lingering Scent

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Go's POV:

"You done yet?" I frowned at Lean who was running behind me, his hands frantically fixing his messy hair into a ponytail. "You should really hack off your hair. Getting too long, you might be mistaken for a girl."

"Really? Our little wife likes smelling and running her hands through my hair after we fuck. The way her pretty eyes shine with pleasure every time she smells my hair is enough for me to keep it healthy and silky." My brother grinned as he and I walked towards our Take Me which was stationed at a nearby stable near our laboratory.

Brianna was once scared of riding this odd animal that was native to our planet but as time passed by...

She loved it more than the hovercraft or the transport pods which guarantees a faster travel time.

"Has it been more than 7 years since we met Brie? It feels like yesterday that we were students and she was our trainer." I smiled as we rode the on our steed which neighed and ambled along the pathway to our home in a moderate gallop.

"I guess so. Man, it..does not feel like we met her all those years ago. She did become much more beautiful though. Remember she used to wear those loose blouses and long skirts with flat girl shoes." I smiled at the memory of our first meeting with our wife. "I often wondered....why is she hiding her beauty beneath those unflattering clothes..."

"That was an interesting memory that followed after huh?" My brother laughed as we both recall that particular moment years ago as we made our way home....



"Damn we are late! I told you going to the Pairing House and going on a sex marathon was not the best idea when we have a lecture to attend Go!"

"I didn't hear you complain while you had your cock stuffed into the sex doll's mouth as she sucked you off!"

We both telepathically bickered as we ran from the transport pod and into the Space Station's Personal Training Building where we are supposed to meet our trainer for the new robots and droid models that were supposed to be used for the research facilities here.

The trainer was human and I am sure that it was a male. The last trainer was one too and he was strict with attendance.

We burst into the Lecture Room 1 and struggled to catch our breath but before I can speak, A strange, sweet scent entered my nose and I felt a shock as it rendered me speechless. From my mental link with Lean, he felt it too.

The first thing to enter my sight was the lecture table and beside it was a female who has curly hair the color of flames and those seeing apparatus called glasses. She was dress in a long skirt, loose blouse and...the smell around her was...sweet as well.

She was pretty in a subdued way that calls no attention to herself but her eyes were striking and too big for her heart-shaped face.

I had not realized that I stepped over to her because I was wondering why she had such a nice smell on her. Only when my twin pulled me back and as he apologized for me, that was when I noticed the frightened expression of the Earth female.

That was very unlike me.

As we took our seats, Lean nudged me and we communicated telepathically which was something Twin Kindred can do.

That was rude Go. Did you see how scared she was of you?

I was not thinking Lean, Did you not smell her? It was nothing like I have smelled before.

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