Chapter 29: Renouncing One's Family Name - Part 1

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Hey guys! Just want to say thanks for supporting this story. I usually do not finish a story but somehow we are almost done.

I hope you enjoyed Samira's slow transition from a loner girl to someone who has learned to accept love when it struck her unexpectedly.

The twins were a joy to work with too because of their opposite personalities. Are you a Strike bae or a Warring bae? Or both?

Do you guys want a sequel? Feel free to comment on it!

Enjoy this chapter!


"This feels weird for me." I checked myself against a full body holo-viewer while our wife was fixing my brother's upper body garment.

"These are just semi-formal wear Strike. A simple polo shirt, pants and loafers ensemble." Sarina said in an amused voice as she stepped back from Warring. "You two look great."

"We feel underdressed." I lifted my feet which was encased in what shoes she calls loafers. "These provide no protection and it looks like it will rip at the first sign of battle."

"Well...I don't know how it is in other worlds but...On Earth, we don't kill or outright stick a blade into someone's stomach. We are peaceful least in the surface." she reasoned out.

"I think it is pretty refreshing. Wearing something other than our flight suits, battle suits or just our sleep pants." Warring patted his white polo shirt. " The fabric is very comfortable."

"See? Warring is adjusting well. It is just for this day okay?" she told me before she grabbed a small pouch item from the table and did a slow turn for us. "What do you boys think? "

Me and my brother gave her a slow inspection. The dress was a simple deep green dress with a halter top cut and a beige jacket with white cuffs complete with white stilettos and a simple high ponytail updo and light facial enhancers.

I felt myself swallow at how radiant she was. Once again; we were both wondering how did we end up with her.

"Maybe we should just take all this to bed." I joked with a wink.

"Funny. Come on, Let's go..." she scoffed but a slight blush was on her face as she opened the door.

"So where is this event being held at?" Warring asked.

"Royale Penthouse. 14th Avenue. New York. " she answered.


"I can feel her nervousness from here brother. It was a mistake to let her go without us." Warring told me as he drank his second cup of brewed coffee, a beverage that is popular here in Earth.

"Hell, you think I don't know? I am itching to charge into the wedding hall and break our promise." I growled out as I drank my own hot beverage, a Mocchacino which tastes better than the bitter drink my twin was lapping up.

"Remember the last time we made her angry, no touching and sex for a week and I don't want to go seven days without a hug or a kiss from our wife." my twin said ruefully making me grumble.

I crossed my arms and scowled darkly. Currently we were sitting in a nice cafe that was just beside the Royale Penthouse, a very popular wedding site for the couples in this planet.

We just got our wife inside and it has only been 30 minutes since we left and we were already getting worried. Even from this distance; we could feel various emotions from our love.

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