Chapter 20: Punishment

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Dedicated to one my readers, Ms. UnicornAmari.

Hey guys, thanks again for reading this book! Hope you like this chapter.


It was a few days after our successful ambush, after we made the enemy camp our own; we got word to Commander Hadron that the scouts have discovered the main camp thanks to the fact that no loyalist was able to make it out of our ambush alive.

Now fortified with a cloaking force field, our camp which was just a few hundred feet away from the main camp is now filled with a small elite force that will attack the camp and open the gate for the army of Rebels stationed at the opposite side to begin the major wave of attack.

The poison inside Krei was successfully nuetralized so now he decided to help lead his unit of Blood Kindred brothers on this massive attack mission, he told us to give his love to our lady everytime he goes out of camp.

who was unfortunately still in a deep sleep given how she was slowly poisoning herself for 2 days. The medics said that to move her back to Mortzlz was risky so for now; we are watching over her at our tent dome.

"Brother.....I am still angry at our lady..."

"Me too. One wrong move and she could have died." Strike's voice was filled with frustration.

"But she did give us a chance at a surprise attack but the irrational part of me as one of her mate is boiling furious." I clenched my fist as I looked at our lady who was snoring peacefully.

"May I pay a visit?" Commander Hadron's voice made us stand up to greet him as he entered our tent dome. " The medics told me that the the last drop of poison will disappear from her system by tomorrow. Your wife has done us a very priceless service by quickly using her wits to coordinate a very effective ambush without getting her and Captain Krei killed. There is talk of a reward from the Ellesian Leader Gadol when she awakens"

He then stopped when he saw that we wore very dark expressions, Our Commander was also mated so he understood why we were a bit touchy.

"Ahem....maybe it is better if you hear some enlightening news about your bride from our Council Leaders." He gave us a floating screen bot that showed the faces of Deep and Lock. "I will leave you to it then."

"Greetings Strikes Fast and Warring Soul, I hear that you two have successfully claimed the fair Sarina as your bride. Congratulations." the dark twin Council leader smiled at us.

"However you two look far from happy." the other twin said.

That was when we told them our frustrations and how angry we are at our bride's fool hardy actions which caused the Council leaders to laugh and regard us with paternal smiles.

"Our own wife Kat has been impulsive and always too headstrong when we were still trying to win her heart. We learned later on that while we might want to protect her always, there will be a time when all you can do is trust in her and build a relationship where you can understand one another." they said.

"However, Ms. Samira Williams is a Multi specialist. Her body is different from the usual Earth females because her learning and physical capabilities are special. Along with her enhanced ability to process information; her enhanced body functions are well adept to neutralize any foreign bodies like poison and toxins out of her bloodstream. If it will assure you two. She might even develop a very strong immunity to poison and be even healthier than ever."

We knew that she was a special human but to us, she was just.....Samira the woman we love.

"What can we do ? Me and Strike love her to the point of death but we do not like her endangering herself anymore."

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