Chapter 17: The Promise

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Hi guys! I am going on vacation this January so I will be uploading this chapter now as my thanks for the support! I would love more comments and advice, even if it is just a "Hi", it would make my day!

Happy New Year!


She is so beautiful....

We spotted her by the kitchen countered preparing some soup in the morning. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, she was wearing an over sized top, one side was loosely hanging over one creamy shoulder and her sweet upturned face was smiling as she hummed while she stirred the pot.

Even covered in bandages and slightly disheveled from our messy night, We felt a strong pull towards her.

I put a finger as a signal to my smirking brother to keep silent as we crept upon her.

My mouth watered at smelling her usual sweet scent of sweet musk and lilies as we got closer . It was a split second before she must have heard us and turned slowly to face us.

"Morning... Wife." I murmured cheerfully as I leaned in to give her a peck, making her shiver while smoothly slipping an arm around her waist.

Gods, it felt good to call her that.

"Oh... M-morning boys. "

She tilted her head and her brown eyes softened ever so slightly upon seeing us. Her sweet pink lips curving into a smile as she leaned back while continuing to stir the pot with deft motions.

My brother however was looking at the soup, his face brightening as he planted a kiss on her forehead. The appetizing smell of Dungarf Meat mixed into the a traditional Twin Moon soup only enhance the rich smell even more.

"This is our favorite. You remembered the recipe with some improvisation. "

That earned a blush from her.

"W-well....I just thought you boys deserve a reward that's all."

I stared at her thoughtfully. She was looking rather fetching and bashful today, it makes me want to scoop her back to bed and make her cry out with pleasure.

Even my brother was feeling that way but then she shook her head and pinched each of our cheeks, We both felt a sting of disapproval from our link coming from her.

"Uh no no no. None of that. I spent an hour on that soup so we will eat first got it?"

We both chuckled and soon enough, the table was set and we were eating breakfast together.

"I can feel you two in my head now... Is that a thing now that we had bonding sex?" she asked just as we were getting our third helping of soup.

"Yes milady. Each bride shares a strong mental psychic link with her spouse(s). It is actually better than using a Think Me and even more convenient." My brother told her as he poured more juice on her glass. "It even allows us to shield your mind from anything sinister."

"Oh... Can I turn it off?"

"You can mute us out if you desire. Even I do that when I don't want to listen to Warring's nagging at times."

"Can still call out to you when I need help or when I am far away?"

"Yes. This is why most Kindred knows where their mates are. As long as you are bonded to us; no matter how far." my hand creeped across the table to hold her small hand. "We will find you."

She seems pleased by that and we finished the rest of the food in silence. We all decided to go out today so while we clean up the kitchen, she skipped along to our bedroom to dress up.

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