Chapter 3: Being Touched

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So it was true.

They were really well hung like Clydesdale horses. I felt the light twin's hard on against my hip and I flinched at seeing the Dark Twin's hardened shaft so I did the best thing I could do at that time.

I escaped to the kitchen to cook and calm myself down.


Despite my resolve not to feel anything. The moment those two touched my hands. A hot electric current combined with the twin's strong scent made me even wetter than before, I could feel it in my breasts which were achingly aroused, the nipples hard against my lace bra and if I try to touch my crotch; I know that I will have damp fingers because I know I am so turned on.

I am getting horny and it is not helping.

Slamming the bowl of potatoes I was mashing on the prep counter, I attacked the spuds with a quick and heavy hand movement as I pressed my thighs together. While I worked on dinner; My mind went back to what I have learned from a fellow female co-worker who was mated to Twin Kindreds.

What I learned made me touch my ample hips. Apparently the different branches of Kindred have their own unique mating rituals; With a Twin Kindred, they always love their bride...together. Another interesting thing was that they view plump girls like me as the ideal mate because in their homeworld, their Goddess possesses such physical qualities which surprised me.

I have always been called "fat" or "piggy" or even "plumpy". None of those terms did well for my self-esteem when I was a kid and I got bullied often at my school during high school because I was both shy and a nerd. Remembering all my efforts to lost weight; I sighed loudly. I managed to maintain a size 14 which was still a bit overweight but since I am around 5'7, the weight distribution in my body makes up for it.

It took some time but when I graduated college, I have learned to love myself and not worry about my body anymore since it is apparent that my hip, butts, and breasts are determined to stay fleshy and bouncy. It was rather funny to know that two men who look like hot models would prefer a simple chubby chick like me.

After all the food was done. I opened the kitchen door and saw that the twins are nowhere to be found so I hurriedly set up the table and then went to the room to change. To my surprise I saw two huge bags near the bed, that must be their stuff so ignored that and hurriedly stripped myself of my uniform and pulled on some comfy wool pajamas and an off-shoulder loose long sleeves before tying my slight wavy hair into a loose bun.

"Milady?" Warring's voice made my raised hand suddenly speed up my updo as I looked at the door which was open. " By the look lovely."

I wanted to reply but I struggled not to drop my jaw. They were both naked, their skin was dry but I can see that their hair was slightly damp, the thing that was keeping them decent was only the knee length towels draped against their powerful waist.

"A-a-ah...ah.." I looked away pretty embarrassed as I started walking past them. "Food is ready. Please dress up and come out when you are ready."

But before I could get out the door, Strike's arm sprang out and grabbed me by the waist. I felt the breath knocked out of me when he pulled me against his hard chest while Warring touched my back.

"Relax milady." the light twin stroked me gently which made me realized that in my hurry to not be caught naked, I did not wear a sports bra. "Strike just wanted to tell you something. Please do not be afraid."

"C-Can't it wait after dinner? When you two are actually wearing clothes?" I fidgeted making the dark twin hiss out.

"You might just run away if we wait so just listen, little lady." the edge on his voice made me stop and I forced myself to relax as I looked at him.

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