Chapter 2: Strikes Fast and Warring Soul

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It has been 2 years since I joined the draft and during those years, I enjoyed my work more than I ever thought possible.

No day was ever boring. After being rotated and assigned to different sectors of the Space Station. I was finally able to choose the work that I wanted to do for the remainder of my contract and that was a consultant to the Cuisine Research sector.

Although at times I would be called as a special consultant on other fields, My love for food made Cuisine Research my primary concern. Because of my contributions like pairing earth ingredients with Kindred cuisine and synergizing different ingredients from the different trade worlds into fusion dishes; The Kindred rewarded me well.

My generous monthly earnings ensure that I was able to send more money to my family and it also allowed me to travel different parts of Earth whenever there is research to be done or ingredients to be retrieved.

I could even retire after my contract was up and live the rest of my life, traveling the world if I want to. But it seems my freedom and happiness was not meant to be.

Two weeks before my contract officially ends, they came.

It happened when I was having breakfast at the Mess Hall with some of my human co-workers when a small bot floated towards me with a holo-message from Commanders Stabs Deep and Locks Tight, the Twin Kindred Council Members.

"Ms. Williams, please proceed to the Council Chamber located at the Command Center regarding a special matter." the gruff voice of the dark twin Deep rang clear through the message, making me flinch.

"Do not worry about your shift Ms. Williams. We talked it over with your research leader to give you a day off for today." the much gentler voice of the light twin Lock somehow soothed my frayed nerves.

I tried to act normal and even waved to my companions before two Kindred warriors came to fetch me, They were mated to Earth females and I knew them since I made it a point to be polite to our saviors.

The Council Chambers was a large scale area in the Command Center with a few dozen meeting room that can hold several member and delegates from other planets as they discuss various topics of interest but right now, I was led into the main room where I saw the Deep and Lock standing to greet me which I acknowledged.

The warriors gave me over to their care and left the room, Tea and some cookies were provided by a small bot as I swallowed and sat down on the right side of the long table while the twins took the other two seats in front of me.

Not one to mince words, Deep cleared his throat before he began his speech.

"It has come to our attention that you dream shared with a pair of Twin Kindred warriors. Is this true?" he asked me bluntly.

"Yes." I answered and meet his intense gaze with my own.

"Why have you not informed us? Ms. Williams? Have we done anything to make you uncomfortable?" Lock asked me gently.

"No, Of course not. The Kindred has been nothing but kind. I just don't want it." I said as I clenched my fist.

"You don't want it?" the twins asked together.

"I never asked to be a bride. I came here for a new start and a better life, It was not in my plans get called by any Kindred." my words seems to have made them quiet.

"I see. " Deep laid back and I saw a gleam of calmness in his black eyes. "Do not be afraid Ms. Williams, most potential brides who are called by our kind have always feared us."

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