Brianna - Extra Chapter 7: Don't Go

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Back to the present.....

Brianna's POV:

"Little one. Are you sure you will be alright?"

My husband Lean zipped up my black dress as I finished my makeup and grabbed my purse.

"I won't be long...." I smiled as his gentle pressure against my hips gave me a slight shiver of joy as my other husband brushed his hands to put my lace chocker around my pale neck. "My purpose is to show up for a while so that I do not cause any offence since Gino had invited me."

The design was old school but since I am only wearing this and a pair of emerald stud earrings which somehow suits me just fine.

"We will be there as soon as possible. We just have a meeting to attend to." Lean kissed my hair. "I trust that you will behave well."

"And if your old bethrothed tries to lay a hand on you. Kick him where it hurts." Go growled posessively as his callised hand caressed my jaw.

"I won't forget." I laughed as my arms went and hugged them both. They were clad in their black tuxedo suits but they also have their lab coats on.

It has been a few days ever since the sex ban was lifted and we have been going at it. I missed feeling their strong virile bodies against mine and just yesterday, I received even more good news.

I cannot wait to tell them when they pick me up from the even tonight.

They even escorted me to the courier ship pilot they specially hired for me so that he would take me to the venue. My husbands will follow after their meeting and then....

I kissed them goodbye as I went inside the ship's passenger seat. They stayed by and waved at me as the ship took off into space.

"Uhm sir, please slow down as I have mentioned before in my request form?" I pulled at my seat belt as the ship flew towards Earth.

The pilot, who was a mated Blood Kindred smiled back at me.

"Of course ma'am. We will take it slow and steady. Congratulations by the way."

"Yes, Thank you." I pulled something out of the my purse and my eyes turned a bit watery.

A few days ago, I went for my monthly check up because I have been having frequent headaches, vomiting plus a odd need to pee every hour or so and one of the Kindred doctors noticed my chart and asked me for a drop of blood which he input into some sort of medical Kindred machine.

The test tube with my blood glowed and I blinked when the doctor looked pleased as he told me that my symptoms are typical for an expecting mother and told me the good news as he handed the blue flower to me.



An hour later....

I kept to myself at the seaside venue where the anniversary celebration was going on.

I clapped as my former flame took to the stage. He was still handsome but it seems like he was working out from the looks of his expensive tuxedo jacket and the hectic nights as the Head of the Hospital must be exhausting for him.

As he spoke in a clear voice while addressing everyone, I watched him from an odd sense of gratitude.

A lot has changed in the past years since I saw Gino but one thing was very clear to me.

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