Chapter 22: Seduction

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Hello guys! Work has been killing me so I was motivated to write more. Weird huh?

Anyways. Enjoy the new chapter!


Everyone in the camp started greeting us because of what we did at the final battle, Many Ellesians shook hands with us and some of our fellow Kindred stopped us to talk for a bit before leaving us.

Our wife listened intently even though she did not make it too obvious but from the slight smile she was giving us as we walked around the camp, she seems to like what she was hearing.

We bought some hand held food from some of the Ellesians who were using a new method of cooking called "Roasting", another cooking style our lady introduced while she accidentally set a few Nonogs (starchy blue vegetables similar to Earth potatoes) on fire. To our surprise, the Fire roasted Nonogs slathered in Dungarf fat tasted really good.

"Like it?" she asked us as we ate our Nonog skewers immediately. "I cannot believe an accident tastes this good and according to the information for this vegetable, they are tubers like Earth potatoes but they are 60% fiber and nutrients. Healthier than potatoes actually." she sounded happy for some reason. " For a chubby girl like me who loves potatoes. This is actually a great alternative."

"Why? You look pretty to us Sarina." I held her , frowning at her figure right now. " Actually you have been losing weight since we started getting attacked by the loyalists."

"Here. Eat more." my brother gave her a container filled with Bumbol stew, a sweet spicy fruit soup. "All that stress and work is ruining your figure. Take care yourself first."

She gave us an odd look as we bought more food from the cooks at the sustenance station and pick a place to eat. As she ate her food, we kept giving her more food until she  started  refusing it; saying that she was full already.

"You barely ate anything." my brother observed that she only ate a small piece of Dungarf meat, the Bumbol stew and 2 sticks of Roasted Nonog. " Do you not like the food?"

"I  told you I am fine. If I eat too much ; I'll gain weight easily."

Again that question perplexed us. Why does she want to lose weight?

"Milady, we told you that we like your curved form just fine. Is there something we don't know?" my brother asked.

She looked a bit uncomfortable at that question. I elbowed my brother to stop being invasive so we agreed to eat whatever food we bought between us.

"I have a question? I have heard stories from Brianna and a few Twin Kindred brides at the station. Do Twin Kindred really love chubbier girls than thin girls? Why? I have always thought that there might be a reason." she asked us.

"That is because of our Goddess. She is every Twin Kindred's personification of a perfect woman; She is a very curvy goddess with flame red hair, full breasts and full wide hips. Your "chubbiness" as you put it is very " attractive" to us. We prefer this shape over thin women." Strike said between bites of food.

"But oddly, most of the Females at Twin Moons are thin and slender because of our planet's diet. But once in a while, an "Elite" female is born amongst our kind but only rarely. Usually these females are sought after by males." I explained. " Imagine our surprise when we first saw you at the Space Station, You were a bit fuller before and we could not forget you for some reason." I touched her hand and squeezed. "We are very honored to be joined to you. Happy that you accepted us as husbands."

She looked at my hand and she linked them firmly while my brother took her other hand and placed it on his forearm. Our lady looked please and suddenly took a meat skewer and ate it with much gusto.

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