Chapter 14: A Link between Us

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"Stop it!" I glared at the dark twin who was provoking me while he chopped some blue wood with his a wicked looking axe that has a curved edge.

"Stop what??" Strike wiped his brow with his shirt, showing me a glimpse of his ripped abdomen, causing my discomfort to heighten.

"You are fully aware of what I mean. " I glared at him as I went back to read my 3D Visual Tablet with renewed concentration.

until another image appeared on my head....of the twins bathing at the springs and then they reached their hands out

I blushed furiously as the images got even more lewd and graphic until I felt myself getting wet so I slammed the tablet down and I went inside the house to find the light twin making some fruit skewers and juice at the small kitchenette.

As we locked gazes with each other, another image oddly appears in my head of the twins feeding me until Warring dropped a berry and its pulp stained my cleavage since I was oddly wearing a tank top. Somehow when he leaned and lick the stain off my cleavage, his hand inched up under my top to gently knead my breasts while Strike's hands loosened my pants and slipped his hand inside.

"Warring! Not you too!" my surprised cry made his handsome face widened in guilt like a naughty boy who was caught setting a cat's tail on fire. " Ugh...ever since we did it; I kept feeling your emotions at times and seeing images of you two wanting to do more erotic stuff with me! We just did it two days ago!"

It also does not help that they were walking around half-naked with only pants on, showing off those drool-worthy physique, bulging muscles, and tight butts.

Hell, even their battle scars are turning me on right now.

"My apologies milady." an ashamed Warring tried to take my hand and kissed it. "It's very hard not to fantasize after we finally made love."

I trembled as his lips against my bare skin sent idiotic amounts of endorphins through my brain.

" What my brother means is.." a brawny arm looped against my waist and I looked up to see Strike smiling down at me. " that we are both horny for you little lady. Our bodies have already gotten a taste of you and suffice to say...we are just waiting for you to give us permission to eat you up again."

" Brother, you might scare our lady again." Warring softly scolded his brother but as he hugged me too, I felt my breasts squish against his chest. I clenched my hands and held my breath as I smelled their combined scents which were really strong.

Something I was avoiding for the past 2 days but it was so hard.

And there was also this on and off mind link I seem to have acquired the moment I finally had sex with them.

According to Warring; Non-bonding sex did not normally result in having a semi mental link between the warriors and their lady but since they are twins blessed by the Dark Moon God, even a non-bonding sexual intercourse was potent enough to make me develop a "sporadic" mind link when their sexual cravings are particularly strong.

True, I did not hear them during the first day after we finally did it but somehow I kept getting pictures of lewd things that somehow both unsettled and aroused me.

It was embarrassing having to walk about feeling your panties getting slowly drenched and my body feeling so unfulfilled because of the lewd pictures I kept getting every time I get within a few feet of them..

Good thing this place is quite secluded because this new link between us three are all so new to me.

I then felt someone nip my neck, making gasp as I felt the twins gaze at me. My heart was racing incredibly fast when I saw their gazes filled with longing and....

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