Chapter 28: Compromise

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WARNING! For those uncomfortable with anal sex scenes, this chapter will cover that so please feel free to skip it. Thanks!


"I noticed something Samira, you don't seem to be glowing these days," Brianna asked as we got our lunches and sat down to eat.

It has been a week since we came back, The Twins managed to secure a job by the Occupations Bureau Desk. Currently, they serve as head captains at the Kindred Training Unit. I got my old job back much to the joy of my colleagues who were happy to see me.

Although I felt the same; a lot of them has noticed how I have gotten prettier or how my body looks better now. I just accepted their praises with a silent bow however as I slowly got used to working at the laboratory again; my heart feels sick.

I still refused the twin's permission to let them come with me to the wedding over and over; This made Strike even more surly and even the kind Warring to be more withdrawn even when I was alone with him. 

Sure, we act fine in front of Al'rik who was slowly adjusting to life in the Space Station but the twins continued to sleep outside of my bed. I was miserable in that cold bed all alone but I am also hell-bent on preventing them from coming with me.

"Sorry Brianna, I just...well had a spat with my boys. But I am sure it is nothing I cannot fix." I tried to smile and shrug off the feeling of sadness that clouded my mind...

My quiet peaceful mind since the twins also closed off their own from mine. At first It was a nice feeling since I don't have to deal with Strike's strong feelings and Warring's feelings of concern. Sometime I could feel lewd things drift into our shared link, making me blush or groan at times.

I cannot believe I am saying this but I miss them so much. When did I become so dependent on those two? I was living a fine single life but now....

"Sam, you....need to tell them to trust you." my friend said as she dug into her pasta. "Kindred males are very possessive men but they also care about their females so withholding the reason why they cannot be with you no matter how harmless can hurt them even though they do not show it."

I drank my lemonade and chewed my sandwich while remembering Strike's dark scowl and Warring's wane voice as they left for work that day, Al'rik went with them to be taken to the Daycare Unit since we are all busy today.

"But they might think I am silly if I tell them,"I muttered to my friend.

"Why would they think it is silly?"

"I....I don't want Julia to flirt with them, I don't want the women to look at them with lustful gazes but most of all. I don't want them to be there once I declare in front of everyone that I am forsaking my name, it would be a big mess. I am sure my parents will curse me until I break and If I do break; I don't want them to see me like this. They have always told that I am a warrior and so....I want to protect them from all the ugliness that will come of this decision."

Brianna let out a snorting sound and shook her head.

"Your tendency to protect others is getting to you again. But I understand wanting to shield your men from any of your familial mess. Just do me a favor and at least try to make them understand." she advised.

I smiled and finished my lunch.

"I'll do that."


" this?" Warring smelled the fresh pizza I was taking out the oven with mittens.

"..................."Strike was silent as he carried our sleeping son to his bubble bed beside the couch in the living room.

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