Chapter 26: Warrior's Woman

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"I love them but honestly, they can drive me crazy when they become TOO protective."

I held back my smile as I communicated with my friend using a Think Me device.

Usually brides are not allowed to use  a communication device because for security reasons but now that I am bonded to mine and my husbands could protect my thoughts from intruders; I was allowed to contact my colleagues at the Space Station.

They were all so excited to see me back and were even more interested in interrogating me now that I am a Kindred bride.

But mostly I chat with Brianna.

"I am sure they meant well." I told her but she let out a ragged sigh.

"I just cut myself accidentally while preparing dinner and they treat it as if I was going to die. They rushed me to the medical unit when all I needed was a simple healing patch."

"Oh. I see. That is a bit..."

"Annoying right? My Dark Twin told me not to go near a knife until my tiny wound heals and my other twin asked if I can take the rest of the day off. How dare they...."

After a few more minutes listening to Brianna vent, I switched off the Think Me and placed it in it's compartment before going to the deck.

I cannot believe my friend was complaining about her husband's protectiveness, She was usually pro on having Kindred husbands.

Then again, they are a race of male aliens whose traditions revolve around worshipping the Mother of Life. As a result, they are very protective of their mates and would always worry for their safety.

Up to the point that they become unbearable to us Earth females I guess...

Question was.... Why aren't my twins like that? I mean sure... They worry constantly and there was that time wherein they challenged a Beast Kindred for merely looking at me but somehow they never tried anything so extreme after we argued badly.

"Milady. How was your talk with Lady Brianna?" Warring greeted me as I came into the deck.

"It was fine. She was just complaining the usual girl problems." I observed the light twin playing with Al who was in his true form.

"Are you ready for your training?" Strike asked me everytime the chronometer clock strikes the 2:00 pm mark.

I nodded, this was the routine agreed on. Everytime the clock strikes 2, they will teach me how to defend myself from those who wanted to harm me.

This has been our practice for almost 2 weeks now and honestly I was looking forward to our sessions everytime.

"I'll meet you in the Training Area while I suit up." I nodded to Strike who was training me today.

He smiled at me and told me to be ready when he comes.


My training suit was was an all black suit that has a unique material that absorbs heavy blows that would have killed me. The boys bought some materials before crafting the flight suit on their machine.

I took out my borg and practiced switching it between a whip and a short blade until the door opened and Strike came inside wielding gloves.

He was dressed like Warring when he trained me, he wore a loose shirt type top that dipped low, making his chest and collarbones stick out. It was belted against his tight black suit pants.

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