Character Chart 2

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Author's Notes:

Here is another round of character sheets and descriptions .

See you on the next chapter!!

Other Characters:


Nickname: Al
Hair: (Human Form) Shaggy shoulder length hair. Black with blue highlights.
(Original Form) Dark Blue
Skin Color: (Human) Light, (Original) Dark grey skin with a blue pearlescent hue and dark blue markings + blue tail with small scale armor
Eyes: Opal
Height: 3'2
Weight: 36 lbs

*Adopted son of Samira and her Twin Husbands. A halfling possessing Namorean and Ellesian blood.

*Took a shine to Samira because he sould sense similiarities between him and her at such a tender age.

*makes cute mewling and purring sounds.


Hair: long hair tied in a ponytail. Pale blonde. Sides are shaved.
Skin Color: Light
Eyes: Ice Blue Eyes
Height: 6'6
Weight: 239 lbs.
Field : Warrior/???
Previous Job: Captain serving under Commander Hadron's command.
Current Job: Unit Leader for the Blood Kindred Unit

*a fellow veteran in the 3 year war in Ellesia and a childhood friend of the Twins. Like most cold and serious Blood Kindred. He only smiles and relaxes his guard when he is with close friends.

*Father is a retired diplomat. Mother died giving birth to him. Currently his father has retired in a different planet and they keep contact with each other often.

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