Chapter 9: Sick in Space

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On the way to the Erudia Quadrant....


"Milady Is this okay?"I adjusted the liquid coolant gel in the Kindred sized bathing pool on board the battle cruiser for Samira who sighed loudly as it enveloped her breasts.

"Thank you Warring. I actually feel better." Samira laid down, a cooling pad was applied on her burning forehead. 

"You are welcome milady. Please stay immersed here for 30 minutes. I will come and dry you up after then you can continue resting at our bunker bed." I looked at her flushed face and I felt worried at how quiet she was.

But then she looked up, her brown feverish eyes locked against mine.

"I'll be fine. You have been so patient with me. I will see you later." she waved me away as she closed her eyes.

I kept the door to the bathing chamber slightly open in case she calls out to us as I washed and made my way to the pilot's bay where Strike was manning the ship.

The moment I entered, My eyes collided with my twin's gaze as he put the ship on autopilot.

"How is she?" he asked me right away, the worry in his mind palpable although it was not visible in his face.

"Faring better. She was able to ingest some hydrated Earth style mushroom soup and Grogan wheat for a while before I immersed her in liquid coolant gel to lower her body temperature." I assured him since he nearly strangled the human medic at the Space Station.

Our lady caught some sort of viral infection a few days ago. A new strain that left her feverish, weakened and caused her to lose some weight since she had no appetite and her nose was clogged, rendering her sick. As a result of this; we rushed her to the medical unit at the Space Station to have her diagnosed.

It was the first time we saw her this weak and pale that it worried us to no end. My brother almost got detained because the human medics who were in charge of her treatment were too slow and he threatened to tear them to pieces. Seeing our female sick brings out our protectiveness and at times, it blinds us to reason.

Somehow her condition was diagnosed and the Kindred physician who ran tests on her assured us that she will remain a bit weak for a week at the most but as long as we give her enough rest, soft foods and fluids; then nursing her all the way to the Erudia Quadrant is not going to be a problem.

We wanted to postpone the trip until she was better but surprisingly. It was Samira who insisted that we leave the on schedule; We did not want to stress her further by arguing and refusing so we did all we can and purchased enough rations, medical items to ensure that she gets well. 

But that meant not using wormholes to jump through huge folds of space since it might worsen her condition. So we are doing small jumps which takes us days until we reach our destination.

"Are we on schedule to arrive in Ellesia in five days?" I sat on the second seat next to my brother who absently nodded and looked at the vast expanse of space, his gaze  distant. " Brother?"

"We have always fought wars on other planets for the Kindred eversince we could wield weapons, not once was I afraid of dying in a battlefield but now I am deathly afraid. Nothing has scared me more than seeing the little lady pale and so still at the medical unit. I have never felt this before." his usual confident and cocky attitude was not visible. His tone now was unlike him, fearful and quiet. "Was this how you felt when I almost died?"

His near death experience was something we had never discussed  but somehow seeing our female getting sick for the first time sort of leaves us vulnerable.

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