Brianna - Extra Chapter 8: A Sleepless Night

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(Continued flashback)

Lean's POV:

Our lady suddenly experienced a series of breathing difficulties and heart palpitations according to the Beast Kindred doctor we had called to the lab.

"Something must have agitated her so much that her body reacted. According to get medical history; she has had a few episodes of panic attacks but the last one was 3 years ago." The doctor looked at us. "Did something happen between you three to cause this?"

"That is our business and none of yours doctor. Is she okay now?" My brother scowled at him.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at my brother's rudeness but after finishing his treatment, he pronounced that she is fine and left our lab with an audible growl.

"Dr. Zeno meant well. You know that Go."

"He asks too many questions."

"That is because it is his job to ask."

My brother snorted but looked at Brianna who was lying down on our resting couch, her back was to us but we can see that her breathing has returned to normal.

We did not think the news of us leaving would cause her suffering. I made me
feel so awful to make the female you love experience such negative emotions.

My brother patted my back and I sighed

"We had better explain it when she wakes. For now, back to work." He said reluctantly.

But as much as we tried, our gaze would always land on our lady every few minutes. I can feel the worry from my twin as well although he tries hard not to show it...

Somehow we managed to partly finish modifying our prototype when Brianna groaned and moved from the couch.

She suddenly flinched and looked around frantically until her wild gaze landed on us but we were already running towards her before she panics again.

Go hugged her while I took her hand as she trembled before she saw that we were going nowhere.

" are still here?" her muffled voice made my heart skip beat.

"Of course we are, the mission does not start for another month. That is what we were suppose to tell you but you got ahead of yourself and made us worry." Go said bluntly. I sighed at my twin's harsh words and he stopped abruptly and just kept quiet.

"I-I'm so sorry but..the thought of not seeing you two somehow...I..I don't like it." she looked down with her quivering hands.

"Okay, we understand." I kissed her cold fingers. "Why don't we talk about this tonight...preferably after work?"

She blushed as she nodded.


We had dinner at her quarters that night and she looked even lovelier in her home clothes of a long sleeve sweater and leggings.

She confessed that she only has food packs that can be rehydrated into dinner so we made a simple meal using our knowledge of Earth cuisine.

"This is really good!" She exclaimed after we made something simple as roastbeef, steamed potatoes and vegetable soup. "You can make a living as chefs on Earth with this kind of skill. I have never tasted anything is so good."

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