Chapter 16: The Fear of Losing Them

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The attack was planned by the loyalists to get to our bride.

At first, we were shocked when Commander Hadron and the Council told us this after the attempt to kidnap her was foiled at a steep price.

Out of the 100 young recruits. 30 were dead. 20 were gravely injured leaving only 50 able bodied young warriors.

It was our loss this time. We were too complacent and our recruits paid the price.

"Commander, what do they want with her? She is just a human. She has no connection to the war we are fighting right now." Strike asked Hadron, who was wearing a grave expression.

".... The true "heir" who is now leading the remnants of the loyalists is reported to be the last son of the tyrant. He must have a grudge against you two; after all if it were not for you two, Krei's unit could not have succeeded in killing the king. My guess is that he is sending assassins to cripple you two by going after your bride. We speculate that he wants to get rid of the heroes who won the war so that he can easily take over again."

Strike and I stiffened. I felt the murderous rage creeping inside my brother's mind and I mentally tried to soothe him but he would not relent.

"I see. So that is their game. That explains the attempt at our battle cruiser and the ambush today." Strike looked fit to be tied.

"All of Ellesia know of you two. The Twin Novas are hailed as two of the heroes that helped topple an ancient rule of a tyrant who abused its people and lands. If our enemies want you gone, they will strike where it hurts."

As much as we wanted to project that we are powerful invincible warriors. Our bride is indeed our weakness, to lose her would drive us half mad and turn us reckless which would lead to our demise.

" Don't worry. We will double the guards around your house. Your bride will be safe... You are dismissed." Commander Hadron said to us.

We bowed and left his office, the first thing we did was find Samira.


We found her heavily guarded in one of the rooms, aside from a few nicks and scratches which were cleaned and bandaged. She looked fine as she saw us enter.

I remembered how her face paled when I saved her from getting killed, the feeling of blood lust was still fresh in my head because if I was a second late, she would have died. She must have thought I was angry with her.

Well, there is some truth to it. After all as a Kindred, it is a failure to us if we let our beloved die and I could never live with myself if she was hurt in some way.

Strike was the first to greet our lady when she walked towards us. I stayed behind feeling awkward because I must have scared her so much.

But then she went and hugged me.

"Milady? You...." I hesitantly pulled her into my embrace while my brother touched her back and stroked it gently. " I am so sorry I frightened you when I-"

She shook her head and smiled at me; Her face softened at how miserable I looked.

"It is fine. I understand you were worried and I almost got myself killed. I should be the one to apologize."

I eyed her small curved back and how vulnerable she looked. Somehow I felt myself getting hard because of that and from the sudden hot looks my brother was making at our bride; his after battle adrenaline was still running.

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